~40~ Frogs

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After we go back inside, Taylor takes his phone and goes into his office, shutting the door.

His face is so mad right now, that I guarantee the men are gonna be scrubbin' toilets, just to avoid his wrath.

I've heard through the grapevine that you NEVER want the Lieutenant to shut the door if he needs to speak with you—Otherwise, you're dead.

He comes out about twenty minutes later, still mad, but trying to school his face when mom sees him. He smiles gently at her and squeezes her shoulder, lightly kissing her cheek as he walks by.

They never show any kind of PDA when at the firehouse—You wouldn't even have a clue they're dating when they're working. Seeing Taylor kiss mom's cheek was probably more shocking than seeing Keegan walk around naked!

Mom never asks him what was said, and Taylor never offers up the information—I'm curious, though...

He sits next to me, shaking his head slightly in frustration. "How did it go?" I ask, hoping he'll tell me.

He chuckles darkly. "No offense, but your grandpa is a dick—I don't think he likes me very much either."

That's all the dirt I'm getting, apparently.

After the end of shift the next day, dad picks me up from mom and Taylor's and takes me back to his place. We spend the day hanging out, and we go to the movies in the evening.


It's now been several months, and not only do I have my car back, but I haven't gotten into any trouble at all—I'm actually getting a little bored being so good.

I don't know what my problem was today, but as I'm sitting in the principal's office with mom and Taylor looking like they're gonna spank me right here, I'm suddenly wishing I would've just chilled out a little. It was supposed to be a funny prank, but now I'm dead.

It all started in the morning—I was bored. I do the SAME thing every single day. I see the SAME people. I go to the SAME classes. I play the SAME sports—See my problem? I'm bored and stupid.

I'm sitting in science class with Mr. Kindon, the science teacher—We're dissecting frogs. I'm actually pretty excited about this. Stabbing an already dead frog while shredding open its guts is pretty cool.

My partner, Tanya, is being a typical girl—Plugging her nose and gagging. So, I do it all while she writes the correct body parts on the diagram. Suddenly I have an amazing thought:

What if I take some of these babies with me, and place them around the schoolIt could be like a frog carcass scavenger hunt....

Ok, I know what you're thinking. "Stupid idea Liam, you're gonna get caught."


Well, you would be right—But what's the fun in ALWAYS being good? That isn't fun...That's boring. You gotta live a little.

As I'm sitting here trying not to stare at mom for too long, before she somehow spontaneously combusts, I'm seeing the error of my ways:

Sometimes it's a good idea to let your sudden impulses leave—You don't ALWAYS have to act on every thought that you have.

So anyways... I decide to take a few dead frogs and stick them in my bag. Again, I'm sure you're thinking about how bad Formaldehyde smells, and that I'm gonna ruin all the stuff in my bag. Well, you'd also be correct.

Must be nice to sit there on your comfy couch and judge me...Must be REAL nice.

I get to my next class with Mrs. Greiner—She's the lady that spits. I have her second hour this semester, and I seriously hate this woman. I get to be in the front row this semester, and I'm super tempted to bring an umbrella with me each day—She's disgusting.

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