~87~ Space~2

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The next day I go back to mom's house. It's supposed to be my night with dad, but he has a heavy case load and asked if I could go back to mom's for the night. I didn't want to, but I agreed.

I have a feeling Monroe squealed.

I get in after school and mom is on the couch with Sasha. "Where's Taylor?" I ask, looking around. I'm hoping for some backup in case this goes south.

"Taking a shower," mom says softly. "Have a seat."

Here it is....

I take Sasha from mom and snuggle her close. I've missed this crazy little thing. She looks up at me and gives me a dazzling grin—Her eyes piercing my soul. How can a baby so little be so captivating?

My breath hitches when I realize that the reason she smiled is because she recognizes me...Man that's such a cool feeling.

"Monroe called," mom says simply

I slump my shoulders and roll my eyes. "It was nice knowing you, kid," I whisper to Sasha.

Mom hears me, and I'm surprised at her gentle smile.

"Am I getting the paddle?" I ask, cutting right to the chase

Mom shakes her head. "No, not this time. Taylor told me what happened."

The relief that courses through me is instant. I was REALLY not in the mood to be spanked.... but then again, when am I ever?

"I'm so sorry we didn't explain ourselves, bud. I just assumed you realized that watching her for us wasn't an option—You had school yesterday. How would you have watched her?"

"Well, after school...."

"Didn't you have track? And then work?"


"What time did you get home?"

"10:30" I say, smiling a little at her.

"Do you see the issue?" She asks, with nothing but love in her voice.

"Yeah, I get it."

"There's no one we would rather have watch her, Liam. But you still have to be a kid."

I just nod. I really do get it.

We start talking about how dad is doing, and the new girl he is seeing, when Taylor comes out of his bedroom.

"Hey bud!" He says when he sees me

"Woah! What the heck happened to you?" I ask, staring at his face. He has a massive bruise on his cheek bone—It's black and blue, with some purple in spots.

"Eh, just a run in with a crazy person," he says, smiling gently.

I see mom's posture change out of the corner of my eye. I immediately know that she did it, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it was about me and the fact that he covered for me.

"Did you do that?" I ask, looking at mom in horror.

"Why do you just assume that I hit him?" She asks, sounding offended.

Taylor's face looks a little amused as he tries not to chuckle.

"Because you were mad that he covered for me. Plus, mom, your track record hasn't been that great lately. You hit Uncle Jake, and then you hit Taylor in the lip the time you had a night terror. I swear, if I hit as many people as you have lately, I'd been sitting on a pillow for a week."

"First, young man, Jake deserved that one. Second, I didn't know I had hit Taylor in the lip until the next morning, and third.... mind your own dang business."

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