~22~ House Fire

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Mom and I get home, and I go sit down on the couch. Mom goes over to the chair and sits down, staring at me.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask. Mom didn't act mad, but that could've been just a REALLY good poker face.

"No," she says simply with a gentle smile.

I'm not surprisedI really didn't think I was.

It's quiet for a minute before she speaks again.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"I want him to be my dad," I say simply—honestly.

"You have a dad—A great dad," she says, completely taken aback by my response.

"I know that...I mean, I want you guys to be together. I want him to be my step-dad. Why are you so set on being alone, mom?"

"Excuse me?"

"You deserve to be happy—I like him. Give this a try."

"I don't think I can, buddy."

"Why?" I ask, exasperated.

She's quiet for a long time. I almost decide she's not going to talk anymore, when she finally speaks:

"My dad cheated on my mom, and she left. Dad's dad was abusive to dad's mom, and she left. Your dad left me—I don't know how to be in a healthy relationship. I've never seen one before," she says, tears falling down her face.

"First of all—Dad didn't leave you, and you know it. Second of all—You need to give this a try with Taylor, and show ME what a healthy relationship looks like. I have yet to see one either."

I won't push any further—I refuse to hurt her. I won't say anything else about it after this.

I don't need to, though. My point hits home, and it hits home hard.

"You haven't seen a healthy relationship either, have you?" She asks in disgust.

"You and dad have a healthy relationship, just not a romantic one. You guys have showed me how two totally different people can still love and respect each other."

She looks at me, surprised. "When did you get so wise?"

I chuckle "I've had 5 weeks of staring at walls. A lot of thinking goes on."

Mom laughs loudly. "I'm going to bed, love. Goodnight," she says, coming over and giving me a kiss.

"Night momma," I say, kissing her back.


The next morning, mom has shift. It's Saturday, so instead of staying home all day, I asked if I could go to Duncan's house—Mom agreed.

We both get ready, and leave. As we're walking out, we run into Taylor, leaving his apartment.

"Morning," he says with a big smile.

Mom smiles at him and I reach over to give him a high five. We walk down the hall, discussing our next Call of Duty night.

When we get to the parking lot, Taylor stops. "You know, I really think it would be a disservice to public safety if I don't offer to drive you guys today. From what I hear, she's crazy on the road."

He winks at mom and looks at me.

I know exactly what he's doing, so I play along. I look at mom sheepishly, and then look back to Taylor. "Lieutenant Preston, sir, my mother is a horrible driver."

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