~51~ Double Trouble

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Duncan and I head to the party, and it's EXACTLY what we had hoped for: Hot girls in skimpy bikinis everywhere, amazing music, and alcohol.

Lots of it.

Before we realize it, we're drunk and stupid.


We had both agreed to just drink a little, so mom and Taylor would have no idea. Well, when girls are handing you shots...buddy, you better BELIEVE we're gonna do them—Especially if we're doing said shots off of the hot girl's bodies.

We would be stupid not to—Irresponsible, if you will. One particular girl followed me around for most of the party, and I wasn't upset 'bout it.

By the end of the night I wound up with my tongue down her throat. I actually think I slept with her, but I can't really remember all that well.

Did I say that we did a LOT of shots? Cause we did.


By the time we decided to head back, we've completely lost track of time—It could be almost morning for all we know. We stumbled around the resort for a LONG time, before we finally find the room.

"Do you have the key?" I ask Duncan.

"Dude, I can't even feel my lipssss right now—I have no idea where the key issss. Let's jusssst ssssleep outside the door."

"Is this even the room?" I ask, blinking to get the numbers in focus.

"I have nnno idea, man," Duncan says, slurring and swaying.

Suddenly the door swings open, and Taylor is on the other side, looking mad—I think. There's actually kinda two of him right now, and both of them are swaying...Or I'm swaying. One of us is swaying, and whoever that is needs to quit before I puke.

We walk in, or rather stumble in, and I hear mom.

"Oh no! They're completely wasted. Do you think they have alcohol poisoning?"

Duncan and I both look at each other, and burst into rib-splitting laughter. That was funnyWe're fine. We're definitely NOT poisoned. Mom's dumb.

"I don't think so—I think they're just idiots," Taylor tells her.

We start laughing again.

We ARE idiots—But these idiots just had a great night, and I'm pretty sure I got laid.

"Come on, let's get them to bed and we'll deal with this tomorrow," Taylor says as he wraps his arm around my waist and basically carries me to my bed. I'm asleep before Duncan makes it to his bed.


I wake up the next morning with the worst hangover I've ever had—I'm regretting those body shots I did.
I feel like my head is gonna explode.

I look over and see Duncan starting to wake up too. He looks over at me, and I can tell he's in just as bad a shape as I am.

"Dude, what did we just do? We're dead," he croaks.

"Correction: I'm dead. I'm sure you're getting off scot-free—Lucky ass," I hiss as I start to sit up. Ugh, my head hurts.

My butt is gonna hurt soon too, I'm sure. Getting spanked on vacation. Only me!

We both decide to get up and face the music. When I look at the clock and see that it's noon, I'm relieved for half a second. Maybe mom and Taylor decided not to wait up for us and went to the beach.

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