~94~ Cadet Clark

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It's been four years.

Four long, hard, and yet completely amazing years—and I have worked my ass off.

I'm sitting here, among my fellow cadets, waiting to graduate from the fire academy. I have worked so hard, that I am graduating at the top of my class.

I know, I'm pretty stoked too

I'm sitting here, listening to the Dean of Sciences go on about how hard we've worked. The hours we've put in. How much of a difference we're going to make.

As she's talking, I'm looking out at the audience. Everybody that I love is here, supporting me. Taylor and my mom are here. Taylor is so proud, he's having trouble not crying. Sasha is sitting in the seat next to him, and he's trying to get her to keep quiet.

Sasha is still a beauty. As soon as people meet her, they become captivated. She has Taylor wrapped around her little finger. Sitting on mom and Taylor's laps are the twins—Lucas and Emma.

Mom got pregnant with them on their honeymoon.

They were really stressed during the whole pregnancy, especially since what happened with Sasha—But everything turned out fine. They took the twins by c-section, and they have been thriving ever since.

Sitting next to mom, is dad. Dad is so proud, and has had constant tears in his eyes since the start of the ceremony—He is holding his wife, Lilah's, hand. I believe that they are just as in love as mom and Taylor are. The moment that they started dating, it was as if they both found their missing puzzle piece. They got married a year after mom and Taylor, and have been doing well ever since.

I can honestly say that I have never seen my dad so happy—He has found his soul mate.

Every once in a while, when the dean says something emotional, dad reaches over and squeezes mom's hand—They have remained extremely close.

Greene is sitting next to Sasha on the other side. Both he and Taylor are in their dress uniforms, and Greene is holding his son on his lap, trying desperately to keep him quiet too. His wife, Megan, is feeding Trace goldfish to try and keep him quiet. They got pregnant with him after they had only been dating a little bit.

Seriously, does everybody but me not understand how sex works?

Trace and Lucas are already best buddies. It's always a chore to separate them when it's time to go home.

Jake is sitting next to Lilah on her other side. He has brought his girlfriend. I don't really think they are too serious, though. Mom and Jake have made strides in fixing their relationship. It's definitely not perfect, but they continue to try. He comes over a lot, and she and Taylor go to his gym to work out all the time.

The lady continues to talk, and I continue to watch my family.

Sasha is trying her best, but she's getting bored. She's starting to talk and fidget. Taylor gently puts his finger over her lips, and gives her a look. She looks up at him and flashes her dazzling smile. I can see Taylor sigh and roll his eyes. How can someone be angry at someone so cute?

Luke is trying to reach over and get Trace's attention by waving his hand around. When Trace notices, he throws him one of his goldfish, and Luke opens his mouth wide to try and catch one. Both Taylor and Greene are doing their best to corral their boys without being distracting, but they are slightly failing.

Taylor finally whispers something into Luke's ear, and he immediately stops fidgeting and sits still.

I smile to myself. I remember the tone Taylor used when he was annoyed with me—I suddenly feel sorry for Luke.

Emmy is just sitting there, being perfect. She's the calm, obedient one of the three. Mom is holding her, playing with Emma's hair absentmindedly. After a moment, Emma leans over and reaches for dad. Dad takes her and kisses her head, snuggling her close.

I love how dad treats them like his own...And now dad can actually have a true title with them since he married Lilah...He's truly their uncle and it makes me happy.

This family of mine brings a lump to my throat. So many intricate pieces that are running and working together so perfectly that it's like they are all one. They are all here for me—I've never felt such love.

"I would like to bring attention to Cadet Clark. I am proud to announce that he has earned this year's 'Most Outstanding Cadet' award. Not only did he graduate at the top of his class, his leadership shows his true character. We have witnessed on several occasions where he had purposefully fallen behind during drills to help out someone who was struggling. He paid no attention to his own time, he just wanted to make sure that everyone finished. His selflessness hasn't gone unnoticed. I have no doubt he will wear his badge proudly." She says, smiling at me.

The whole place cheers and I see Dad, Mom, and Taylor all wiping tears from their eyes.

The ceremony is finally ending, and we all get up and get our certificates. I get mine, and my family all cheers.

I did it! I'm a firefighter!

These last four years have been the hardest of my life—But as the Dean said in her closing speech: "This road hasn't been easy, but nothing worth having is ever easy."

After the ceremony, I go and find my family. I see Taylor down at Sasha's level, scolding her. As I get closer, I can hear what he is saying.

"Sasha Jane, if you leave my side again you and I will make a quick trip to the car. There are too many people here, and you're going to get lost. Am I understood, young lady?"

Sasha doesn't say anything, she just looks down at her shoes and nods. Taylor doesn't normally use that tone with her.

Once they see me, he stands up and his entire face lights up. I notice he purposely stays back, letting dad and mom get to me first.

"I am so proud of you, baby boy," mom cries as she kisses me.

"Thanks," I smile as I give her a hug.

Dad pulls me into a hug, and holds me tight. "No dad has ever been as proud of his son as I am of you. It is an honor to be your dad, Liam Alexander."

I just silently hug him again, and kiss his cheek. I can't cry. I'm trying to quit being so dang emotional all of the time.

Lilah comes up to me and kisses me quickly. "You did good, kid."

I smile at her and squeeze her hand. I really do love her—I'm glad dad married her.

Then Taylor finally makes his way over. He says nothing as he takes his right hand and brings my neck into him. He cradles my head in his hand as he wraps his left arm around me. "It's going to be an honor serving with you, Cadet," he says huskily as he pulls me out of his embrace, looking hard into my eyes.

"I look forward to learning from you, Lieutenant," I say as I smile at him.

He says nothing, but his smile and the way his eyes are filling with tears again, says everything.

"Alright everybody, let's go to our place—I'm ready to party!" mom says, giving Jake a side hug. He hugs her back and nods at me with a proud smile.

We all file out, and everybody gets into their own cars. I drive myself, following the line out of the parking lot.

Cadet Clark, following his entourage. His family.

My family. My future.

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