~71~ Broken~2

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It's been about a month since mom found out that she was pregnant. The good news is that mom had her first sonogram a couple of weeks ago, and Taylor went with her!

For a minute I had hopes that this baby would magically bring them back together, but she crushed them. She had said that they still aren't great, but that the appointment was important for them, and they realized that they could co-parent.

I guess anything is better than them awkwardly ignoring each other all of the time.

It's Saturday, and I'm at dad's while mom is on shift. I get a text from Duncan, saying that he and a bunch of other guys are going to the skate park and wanted to know if I wanted to join.

Hell yeah I do!

"Hey man!" Duncan says, coming over to me once I get there.

"What's up?" I ask, giving him a high five.

"We're actually getting a little bored. We feel like doing something else. Interested?"

"Sure. Whatcha got?" I ask, looking at the rest of them.

"Your uncle owns that fitness center over there, right?" Dax asks, pointing to Jake's gym.

"Umm, yeah, that's his. Why?"

"Well, he kicked Skyler out the other day for grabbing this chick's ass. We thought it would be fun to get a little revenge." Dax explains, clapping his hands together.

"No way in hell.. My uncle is terrifying, and he'd have no problems breaking our legs. I'm not messing with his place."

"Come on, chicken shit, it'll be fun! It's closed for another hour. He'll have no idea it's even you," Skylar says, jumping on my back. "What's the code?"

"How would I know that?" I ask with some 'tude.

"He's your uncle!" Skyler snaps back.

"He's my uncle, but I never see the guy. He hasn't given me his security code!"

This is the stupidest idea they could've come up with...And considering who these idiots are, that's really saying something!

"Ok fine, let's just break a window and get in," Skyler says.

Apparently we're all committing a felony now. I just wanted to go to the skate park!

We go over there and I feel sick to my stomach. Jake is going to find out, and he might quite literally kill me. We get to the door, and look around for something to break the window.

"Here guys, let's break the window with a rock," Dax says, picking one up. Before I can even think, he's throwing it through the dang window, shattering it. Skyler quickly puts his hand in and unlocks it.

"Let's have some fun, my guys!" He says, jumping on my back again and making me carry him piggyback style.

I just sit down on a bench, and watch—I'm not destroying his place.

Skyler wastes no time grabbing a 20 pound weight and throwing it into the mirror that takes up an entire two walls.

"Skyler!" I yell, getting mad. It's too late though, they're all joining in, smashing it to pieces.

Then Duncan and Dax start hanging on the equipment, and one of the machines completely falls over.

They have officially lost their minds, and I have a feeling imma loose all ability to sit soon.

I just sit there, watching it all—This is awful! Jake doesn't deserve this! Especially if he kicked out Skyler because he grabbed a girl. I'm sick to my stomach.

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