~77~ Moving Day~2

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I started dating Aria again—We've been dating for a while now. Ever since she gave me a ride home that night, about 5 months ago, we started talking.

She's changed.

She's not nearly as controlling, or jealous as she used to be. We decided to try again, and so far it's been going great. I'm starting to fall for her.

I'm in a bad mood today. It's Saturday, and instead of getting to spend the whole day with Aria, I get to help move. Lucky me.

We get to Taylor's place around 7am. He's got a lot more stuff than mom and I have.

"What's up guys?!" Taylor asks. He's in a good mood.

Dad just smiles at him. "You're excited, aren't you?"

"I'm ecstatic," he says, with a huge grin on his face.

Dad claps him on the back. "Ok, Preston. Put us to work."

Dang there's so many boxes

"I thought we'd carry all the furniture down, and then do the boxes last. You good with that?" Taylor asks.

"Sounds good to me," dad says, moving towards the couch.


We spend a couple hours moving Taylor out. When we get to the new apartment to unload his stuff, I look around for a couple of minutes. It's actually really, really nice. This must be costing a fortune.

"Is mom paying for any of this?" I ask. There's no way she could afford a place like this on her own.

"Ummm," Taylor hesitates. "I don't really think that's any of your business, Liam."

I just roll my eyes. I'm sure she's paying for some of it—Mom would never have agreed to move in, rent free.

"Dude, this place is amazing! I bet Ellie is excited about that kitchen," dad gasps, as he looks around.

"Yeah, she loved it," Taylor grins.

"Ok, we better head to Ellie's. Ummm, before we do though, let's stop at McDonald's. Maybe if she gets biscuits and gravy she won't be so cranky." Dad says with a chuckle.

Taylor and I both nod, and Taylor chuckles. Mom has been kinda snappy these last couple of months and we ALL know it.


We get to our place around ten, and mom opens the door with a smile. Dad steps in first, handing mom her food, and a large coke.

"Here, El. We all know you'll be in a much better mood if you eat biscuits and gravy," he says with a chuckle.

Mom tightens her eyes as she looks at him, yanking the bag from his hands. "My mood has been fine, thank you very much."

We all start laughing—She's been a crank and she knows it.

Mom sits down and starts to eat her food....Funny how that worked out. She sits, we work. I doubt Taylor would have let her do anything, though. Heaven forbid she lifts a box!

"You gonna pull your weight this time? Or are you gonna pretend to get a cramp again?" Taylor asks as he claps dad on the back.

"It wasn't a cramp, you dropped the couch on my damn foot. Watch yourself this time, Preston!"

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