~60~ Jail Cell

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Taylor and mom drop me off at the precinct this morning. Yeah Buddy!!!!

I give them both a hug and a kiss, and do a little happy-dance when they leave. Twenty-four hours of freedom, baby.

"Hey champ! I've missed you!" Dad says, coming around the desk and giving me a hug.

"Missed you too," I say, hugging him back.

"We need to have a chat, young man," dad says as he points to the extra chair in his office.

Crap. Maybe I'm not gonna have any freedom after all.

Mom still has no idea that dad lectures me once in a while. She DEFINITELY has no idea that he spanked me that once. Dad always just pretends anymore that he doesn't care what I do. It's usually 50/50 if I get a lecture when it's just him and I. Apparently this time I'm getting one.


"Care to explain why you thought stealing that car was a good idea?" Dad asks, crossing his arms.

"It was just supposed to be a prank."

I'm really not in the mood to continue beating this dead horse.

Dad just silently stares at me for a moment—He's BIG mad.

"When I talked to your principal, they were seriously considering pressing charges. What would you have done if I wasn't a cop?"

"I don't know," I say, looking down at the ground. Dad sighs and stares at me for another minute.

I'm pretty sure the worst is over.

"Ok, buddy—Come with me," dad says as he stands up.

"Where?" I ask, surprised. I figured I'd be hanging in his office all day.

"No questions—Let's go!" Dad barks.

Whoops! I think he's still big mad.

I follow him past Julie and through the break room. Suddenly he takes me down a hall where the cells are. He stops in front of an empty cell.

"Why are we here?" I ask, confused.

"I know you were expecting a free pass outta me, and if your mom asks I'm gonna tell her that you got one—But you're not, Liam. You're in trouble. You're spending the day in here."

"You're putting me in jail?!?"

"I wouldn't call it that...More like a timeout for a 17 year old. You need to see what it feels like when your actions actually have consequences. If I wouldn't have been a cop, more than likely you would've spent a couple of hours here the other day. So, I decided that you still get too—Get in."

"You're not kidding?" I ask, trying not to cry from both shock and humiliation.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" He asks, his face a mixture of boredom and evil.

"And if I don't?"

Dad sighs and rolls his eyes. "I've already had a chat with Wallace. If you don't, I'm taking you back to my office and spanking you; Wallace will be in there with me. Then once you've been spanked, I'll put you back in here anyways. Care to try me?"

We both know that I'm not gonna try him. The one and only spanking he gave me still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

"Fine," I snap, going to the cell and sitting down on the bench. I cross my arms and glare at my dad.

CindersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora