~72~ Nothing~2

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The ride to the hospital is completely silent.

I'm quiet because I don't want to bring attention to myself and get into even more trouble. Taylor looks upset, but there's something else on his face—I can't quite figure out what it is, though.

I can tell that mom feels uncomfortable and awkward from the way she's sitting stiffly in the passenger seat, inches away from Taylor.

Maybe one day she will be okay with that again

I will say, even though it's awkward right now, it isn't like it was—It's getting better. They're trying to figure it out and that gives me some hope.

We get to the hospital and Taylor puts his hand on the small of her back out of habit. I notice she doesn't flinch away from him, though.

"Freeman! What's wrong?" One of the nurses asks, immediately recognizing her and rushing over to us.

"Hey Michelle. I think I broke my hand," she shrugs with a small smirk.

"Oh no! On a call?" She asks, looking at her hand and turning it carefully.

"Um, no, not exactly. What's the wait time?"

"I've got ya girl, give me just a second, ok?" She asks as she goes over and talks to someone.

"If this is going to take forever, I can just call Alex. You don't need to stay," Mom says, looking at Taylor with a slight smile.

She doesn't want him here...She wants dad with her. Taylor comes to that same realization too, I think, because hurt flashes across his face before he can mask it.

"I'm good—Didn't you hear? I get the rest of the day off," he says with a gentle smile.

Before mom can argue, Michelle comes back. "Ok, Freeman. We've got an X-ray room available. Let's get you fixed up, lady!"

As mom leaves, Taylor looks at me with a funny expression. "You good?"


Taylor nods and motions for the waiting room.
"Let's go sit."


We've been waiting for about half an hour, when all of a sudden, Taylor starts laughing.

I look at him like he's crazy because this entire time we've just been sitting in silence. At least he's had the luxury of scrolling on his phone—I'm too afraid to pull mine out at the moment.

He sees me staring at him and clears his throat.

"The first time I met your mom, she was in Ryder's office. I took one look at her and was convinced she wouldn't last more than a couple weeks. She's a tiny little thing, ya know? Watching your mom lay out a guy who is like, three times bigger than her was the best moment of my life."

I shake my head and start chuckling too. "Yeah, Uncle Jake is scary, but mom's always been scarier."

"Yeah, well, she just loves ya, kid."

He's right. Mom should never have been able to hit him with enough force to do any damage at all. I think she probably only weighs 105-110 pounds. I guess it doesn't matter how big you are.

You protect the ones you love, no matter what.

Mom comes out a while later with a splint on her wrist and an annoyed expression on her face.

"How bad?" Taylor asks, immediately concerned. He goes over to her and lifts the splint carefully, turning it over gently.

"Eh, not bad. I'll be out of this in a few weeks. You should see the other guy!" She says with a goofy smirk.

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