~75~ Clean Your Room

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It's been several months since the Jake thing, and believe it or not I haven't gotten into any trouble since then.

I've been working at the movie theater, and I'm actually enjoying it. I work with a few cute girls and I'm making some friends...And nobody told me I could eat all of the popcorn I wanted for free!

I haven't gotten to spend a dime on myself yet, so that sucks. It's a good feeling, however, to know that I've almost gotten Taylor paid back. I'll be so glad when that's over and then I can start saving for a new Xbox.

Mom is pretty pregnant now. I don't know how many weeks she is, but I heard someone ask her at the store the other day and she said she was 7 months. She's not very big, but she looks like she's smuggling a basketball. I'm disappointed that she hasn't started waddling yet—I'm really looking forward to making fun of her for that.

I get home from work and mom is already on my case...Did I forget to mention that although she's not very big, she's VERY moody? Well, she is.

"Liam, did I not ask you to get your room cleaned up before work?" She asks, with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, sorry," I say as I take off my shirt, wanting to get the popcorn smell off of me.

"Well why didn't you do it then?"

I throw my shirt in my hamper, and then sit at the table. "Mom, I didn't have time. I came home and worked on homework until it was time to leave. What more are you wanting from me?"

"Is your homework done?" She asks.


"Good, then you can go clean your room now."

She bugs me

"Are you kidding me? It's 9:00 pm. I've been gone or doing homework since 8 this morning. I'm not the one who wanted to get a job in the first place—You made me. So now you're going to complain that I have a few dirty clothes on the floor? Unbelievable." I hiss, throwing my hands up in the air.

Mom comes to sit next to me. "Fine. But before you leave for school I want it clean."

I just nod—I'm officially annoyed.

"I need to talk to you about something," she says, changing her tone.

"Ok....." I say, apprehensively. Any more her "talks" either bring bad news or punishments.

"Taylor and I decided that we're going to move back in together. We're going to move in as friends, so we can raise this baby together. We just found an apartment. It's got three bedrooms, so you will take one and we will each take the other two. We're going to move in next week. I need you free on the 10th so you can help dad and Taylor move us in. Ok?"

Just like that? She doesn't even ask me if I'm ok with it? What my feelings are? She literally told me we were moving...again...and then demands I clear my schedule. I'm pissed.

I can't tell her that, though. She actually looks excited and I won't ruin that for her.

"Ok," I say simply.

She smiles at me, and then turns back to the file she was working on.

I grab something to eat, and then I head to bed.

I can't wait until I'm an adult so I won't be as busy....Nobody understands how hard teenagers have it.


The next day I go to dad's after school. I'm still in a bad mood from the talk I had with mom yesterday, but I'm excited. I actually have the night off, and dad and I are supposed to go to a concert.

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