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Maisie's Point of View.
- September 27, 2020 -

After I stopped my stream, I ran my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath before I got up and walked toward my bed. Cuddling up next to Sapling, I lied there staring at my ceiling in silence.

Ever since the passing of last two relatives I genuinely cared about, I noticed that my house had gotten fairly quiet and it pains me. No more pots banging in the kitchen from my grandma cooking and no more faint music my aunt plays from her record player while she paints or knits.

I closed my eyes, in hopes I could drift off to sleep and get rid of my grieving once again, but then I realized Nick asked me to call him.

But the second I was about to dial him, a FaceTime request from him popped up, and I quickly answered.

"Hi." was all I let out. "Hey.." He slightly mumbled.

Oh, I've missed his voice.

We sat in the call in silence, not knowing what to say to him, I sniffed, taking a deep breath and finally speaking up. "Look, I- I'm sorry." I paused. "For shutting everyone out... for leaving you in the dust, not answering, I'm really sorry." I apologized

"Sunny, Hey, it's okay. I just want to be here for you, and now that I am, don't worry about it." He said in a quiet voice.

"I just really miss them." I frowned. "They were all I had left." I sniffed, wiping my face.

"And that's fine. You have every right to miss them, I cant imagine how bad this hurts." He mumbled.

"I just feel".. I paused. "Schewpid." I slightly smiled, making him and myself laugh.

"A schewpid fokin mess." He continued to match my tone, making me laugh more. I haven't done that in weeks.

"Can we finally meet up?" I questioned. "I've been feeling really alone." I frowned. "Sunny, of course!" His mood brightened, making me feel brighter.

"When though?" I questioned, continuing to try and clear my head from everything. "Your birthday is coming up, isn't it?" He asked. "Yes!" I nodded.

"Well, I can fly over to you by then!" He suggested. "But then I'd have to wait a while. and that's boring." I complained as I wiped my face. "It's better than nothing! It'll be a worthy wait." He said happily.

"I guess." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"YOU LOVE ME" He raised his voice. "AHH" He startled me, "Ugh, I do, I do!" I softly grinned.

"Exactly Maisie.. exactly."

I continued to talk to him as I brought my sweet Sapling closer to my chest, cuddling her. It went on for awhile, and I dove back into the topic of my loss. I vented it all out and it felt nice. He updated me on everything that happened while J went dark and in all honesty I think I missed a lot.

Later that morning, I woke up to the sun peaking through my curtains and looked at my phone to still see I was on FaceTime with him. We both fell asleep.

I saw his sweet rested face and smiled at how peaceful he looked. I said his name in hopes for him to wake up, and surprisingly he did. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone confused, but he quickly smiled and greeted me with a good morning as I laughed at how deep his voice sounded.

"Your voice just has to slowly get higher through out the day." I shared my sudden thought out loud with him. "Oh, shut up." He laughed.

"But good morning-" I rubbed my eyes and laughed.

"What time is it?" He mumbled as his eyes were still closed. "Uhhmm.." I checked the clock. "11:24." I answered. "Jeez." He wiped his face again.

"Oh, shit I have work-" I gasped.

"When?" He squinted his eyes open and looked at the FaceTime. "Fuck! In 36 minutes." I shot up from my bed and groaned.

"Maisie, Get ready??" He began to laugh at me. "UGH, I AM!" I yelled at my phone as I went through my drawers, looking for my work shirt.

I slipped on the black work tee that the shop name on the back along with the logo on the front. I paired it with the first pair of pants I could get my hands on and it was a pair of black baggy jeans. I kept on the pink ankle socks I had on while I slept, and slipped on the white vans that I painted creepers on.

I looked in the mirror and saw my messy hair, luckily K showered the night before, so I quickly dry shampooed it before put it into braids as fast I could while speaking with Nick on the phone as he kept me company.

I grabbed my glasses and work hat, following along with my keys, bag, and phone, and FINALLY made it out my room.

"Fuck- I have never gotten ready so fast." I looked at my phone. "That's impressive." He mumbled through his sleep.

"Okay, hang up and go back to sleep if you're still tired." I laughed as I went over to my Tesla.

"No, I have to make sure you get to work safely." He opened his eyes and smiled softly. "That's ironic because talking to you will make me drive off a cliff." I said sarcastically."

"Alright- that was rude." He jokingly raised his voice.

As I drove to work, he continued talking to me about random things, and did his duty as my best friend to make me laugh which made me fall into thought ..

Why did I shut him out when he makes me the happiest?

Stupid fucking move, Maisie.

As I continued to speak to Nick as drove, tired out of my mind... I finally pulled into the parking lot of my work, and quickly parked, nearest to the back entrance.

Thankfully, my co-manager opened up already, and I had two minutes to spare to clock in and set everything up with them. As I clocked in for the day, Sapnap bid me a goodbye and told me he was going back to sleep, and I graciously let him go, telling him to have a good sleep.

Afterwards, I put all my belongings into my work locker in the back, and finally, began my shift.

authors note
UHHHHHHHH??? i have no idea wtf i
just wrote either and i couldn't be BOTHERED
to fucking proofread

update: dec 27, 2023
i love how silly fanfictions are. like EMPHASIS. on fiction. LMAOJSHSAHAHA so so so funny.

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