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Maisie's Point of View.
- December 15, 2020 -

"Hey chat!" I smiled as the chat began rolling in. "Today is just gonna be chill stream." I explained. "I just finished my exams for the semester so I decided to just... be here with you guys to celebrate!" I sipped my water.

"Which by the way guys." I smiled. "I'm at 999,000 subs on Youtube!" I smiled before I typed into my monitors to bring up my sub count. "That's exciting."

Letting out a yawn, I switched to my Minecraft screen and logged onto the SMP to see Quackity and Karl online:

MaisiesMassacre joined the game
〈KarlJacobs〉MAISIE VC

"Hmm... VC.?." I mumbled reading the game chat before looking over at Discord to see Quackity and Karl on a voice channel that I quickly joined, bursting into laughter only to hear Quackity say:

"-not my balls not my responsibility..."

"Hi??" I laughed as Karl joined. "MAISIE!" He continued.
"KARL!" I gave the same energy

"MAISIEEEEE!" I heard Quackity's mic change. "AAAAAAAAA" His autotune blew into my ears.

"AHH-" It startled me. "CHAT, WAS THAT TOO LOUD?" I looked over to my stream labs to see a lot of laughs and viewers spamming "yes."

Briefly apologizing, I turned down my volume as I heard Karl say Hi to my stream.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're building a sky jacuzzi for this bit tomorrow." Karl explained, spoiling Alex's plans.

"KARL, SHES STREAMING-" He complained. "AH SORRY SORRY, SPOILERS!!" Karl laughed in a panic.

"Woukd you like to help us Maisie?... We're already done but would you like to help us..." Big Q asked.

"But you're done?-" I looked up in the sky to see the random dirt build they created. "It's nice." I zoomed in and out.


"WAIT, WHAT??" I smiled and looked at my chat. "NO WAY" I laughed and began to jump and scream in joy.

"What happened??" Karl asked.

"I HIT A MILLION ON YOUTUBE!" I clapped. "LETS GOOOO!!!" They both cheered for me.

I quickly sat down before I pulled up my Youtube count onto the stream to show that my channel hit 1 million subscribers and I was beyond happy.

"MAISIE" I heard Dream join the VC. "OH, HI!!" I wws caught off guard. "YOU HIT A MILLION!" He said as he sounded proud of me. "AHHHHH!!" I felt loved.

"THATS SICK, CONGRATS!" I heard his genuine tone.

you remember the 1m special right???

"Huh?" I paused to think. "OOOOH SHIT, YOU'RE SO RIGHT?!" I bursted into laughter, "Oh wow you are an OG!!" I held a hand to my heart. "Okay, chat, change of plans." I went on deafen and QUICKLY switched to just chatting.

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