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Maisie's Point of View.
- October 07, 2020 -

"Hey Kevin, can you help with the deliveries in the back? We need to do inventory before we close." I looked over at one of my co-workers.

"Yeah, can you take over the register?" He asked. "Mhm, just give me a second." I nodded before I called the numbers of two orders.

Kevin walked off towards the back of the shop as I took his place at the register, beginning to wait for orders to be made. This shift has been so long, and I still have to do school work, but then again... Nick finally comes later tonight, which I'm super nervous about, but I'm excited to finally meet him in person.

I live in San Francisco, all the way in California while he's in fuckass Texas. America is fucking huge because regardless if we are in the same country, it's still a 28 hour drive.. but he bought a planet ticket instead to of course, avoid a road trip.

As I continued deep in thought, a couple customers walked in, coming straight toward the register where I was, looking up at the menu displayed above me.

"Good evening!" I greeted. "Welcome to Red Dragon Boba, What can I get you started with today?" I smiled.

"Hi um, can I have one mango tea with the lychee jelly's and tapioca boba please." The girl ordered. "Mhm, and what size?" I questioned. "Medium please." She laughed.

"Alright..." I paused, writing down her order on a medium sized cup. "Anythint else?" I looked back up at her and the boy to her right. "Uh, I'll have an original milk tea with just tapioca." He said politely. "Large." He added as I nodded.

"Will that be all?" I asked. "Oh, could we have one of those toast cakes?" The guy spoke up. "For sure! Any custom toppings or would you like one of the original items?"

"Original." The girl answered. "Yeah, the oreo strawberry mix?" The guy requested.

"You got it." I smiled. "Will that be everything?"

"Yes." The guy finally nodded.

"Will this toast be for here or to go?" I continued with the generic register questions. "To go!"

"Alrighty, your total will be 19 dollars and 42 cents." I looked up and smiled.

The guy reached into his pocket before he pulled out his wallet as the girl stared at me with a sweet smile which of course, I politely smiled back to not be rude.

"Uh." She spoke up and awkwardly laughed. "I'm so sorry to bother you." She apologized. "But are you a streamer by any chance??" She asked as I looked at her awkwardly and giggled. "Yes, I am." I nodded as I assisted the boy beside her to pay for their order.

"Maisie, right?" She asked, looking at my name tag as I nodded. "Dude, my little sister LOVES you!" She smiled.
"Aw, that's so sweet!" I grinned.

"Yeah, I've watched some of your videos too, and you are so talented!" She complimented as the order payment was finished. "Both with minecraft and singing, y'know."

"Thank you, that really means a lot!" I smiled even brighter. "Could I get a picture with you?? Possibly?" She asked. "Of course!" I nodded, stepping out of the back counter and walked to her.

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