Chapter 1

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"Hey y/n pass the ball to me!"


I still remember. Every night. His fawn brown eyes filled with despair. A tightening of his throat and a short intake of breath, as his hands formed white-knuckled weapons.


"Please, don't leave me."

The last words he ever said to me.



"I'm going to be late!", I briskly bounced out of my bed and took a cold shower.

I swear I put my alarm on last night!

I sat down at my worn down vanity, which was bathed with all sorts of make up, clothes and accessories.

"Where is my hairbrush?!" a wave of panic washed over me as I threw everything on the floor, checked all my drawers and under my bed.

"Aha! I found it." I brushed my tangled hair, threw my school clothes on, grabbed my bag and phone and sprinted out of my house.

Ring. Ring.

I answered the phone, while I darted to the train station.

"Hello?" I was short on breath.

A soft voice came from the other end.

"Y/n, where are you? And why do you sound so out of breath?"

"Oh hey Akari!, it's nothing, I'm arriving at the train station in a few minutes; I just forgot my phone at home and I had to go get it!" I lied.

"Ok well the train is coming in 5 minutes, so if you don't mind, could you hurry up?!" The call ended.

Akari was my first friend at Horikoshi Middle School. It was like in those anime's or movies where the new girl becomes best friend with the bullied girl in class. I was the new girl, and Akari was the bullied girl.


"Hey,Leave her alone!"

"Oo, look who it is."

Vile giggles echoed into my cold, pale ears.

"I said leave her alone!"

Instantly, smiles turned into glares.

"And what are you going to do about it, huh?"

They steadily walked towards Akari , as I sat there trembling like a baby isolated on a cold winters day.

Stand up to them, I though, but I didn't have the nerve to. My watering eyes faced the floor in shame and I sat with my head laying on my scarred knees. I separated from reality for a moment.

Quick footsteps fainted into the distance and a cadaverous, pale hand reached out to me.

"Are you ok?"

Her voice was delicate; like his.

I slowly lifted my head and saw a light haired girl with crystal blue eyes, looking at me with empathy.

"Yeah.." I murmured, trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm Akari! What's your name?"

How could she be so content after what just happened?

"I'm Y/n.."

"Wow!,That's such a pretty name!" Her eyes glistened in the scorching sun.

I could tell that deep down she was broken. Just like me, but she put on a mask to make me happy.

"Let's be friends!"

My bewildered eyes shot up.

"F-friends?" I was shocked.

"Yeah!" A sweet smile grew upon her delicate face. She was like an angel sent from the heavens.

"Sure.." I muttered as I slightly smiled.

I finally found a friend here, I thought.


"Akari-Chan!"  I waved at her as she sat on the crooked bench.

Unaware, I ran towards her.

"Took you long enough, the train is about to be he-
Wait, y/n there's someo-"

"Ow!" I bumped into someone. All my books fell from my bag.


" Watch where you're going.." a emotionless voice spoke.

I was busy picking my stuff up.

"Excuse me! Sorry, but you bumped into m-" I was surprised.

I turned around to see a man with artfully messy, but lustrous black hair with fawn brown eyes towering above me. His hands were covered in bulging veins and his clothes perfectly outlined his toned abs. A clean chiseled jaw, was so sharp it could slice through a cake. He's so gorgeous.

"You done drooling over me, Princess?" A wicked grin grew upon his sharp, glowing face.

Princess?! Who does he think he is?

I snapped out of it.

"In your dreams."I furiously grabbed my bag and walked over to Akari.

"Oh my goodness, are you ok?" Akari helped me out.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I could feel his eyes piercing into my soul.

What does this guy want from me?


He's insane.

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