Chapter 1

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Placing my pillows on my bed, I look around my new spacious room. With a desk and a few more dressers, this will feel like home to me. It would also feel like home if my parents were here to help me move into THEIR house, that THEY bought. Yet they would rather be somewhere across the country to go to the hottest clubs, making me their biggest regret.

Sighing, I sit down on the floor next to my bed. Before I could even lay my head down on my knees, a wet nose pokes my arm. My Pitbull Chewie wags his tail at me once I turn to look at him. He bites the hem of my shirt, dragging me to get back up to my feet. Laughing, I do what he tells me what to do.

He guides me down to the first level of my house, poking his nose on a box. Opening it, I take notice of all his toys laid nicely in it. Instantly he digs his face into the box, grabbing out a green tennis ball.

Heading outside, he eagerly drops the ball at my feet. Picking it up, I throw it out in the backyard. He jumps off the porch in an instant, running straight towards the ball. I follow him outside, shutting the screen door behind me.

This is what we did for the next thirty minutes, he would retrieve the ball and I would throw it back. That was until I heard a small, "hello." 

Turning to the right, I notice a smiling face looking over at me. Chewie takes notice of a new face, instantly running over to her. The girl unlocks our intersecting fence doors, taking chewies chubby cheeks into her hands.

"Hi there," I say walking up to my neighbor. "I just moved here, I am (y/n)! The little boy right there is Chewie."

"Nice to meet you, and you handsome boy. I am Sidney, your friendly neighbor. You look pretty young, where are your parents?" The female asks.

"Out of the country for personal purposes."

"Your unpacking all alone?"

"Yeah, just Chewie and I."

"Would you mind any help? We seem to be the same age, we could get to know each other better."

"Sounds good to me, I could even order a pizza."

Sidney pats Chewie on the head as I guide her inside, to my box filled kitchen. Sure it a mess, but I am hoping it will go away quicker. Thankfully I have another pair of hands to help me.

So that's what we did for the remainder of the night. She helped me unpack, then told me about her friends. We are thankfully in the same grade, so I at least have a friend to start school with. She told me about her amazing boyfriend Billy, Tatum her best friend, and even another friend named Stu. During my bedroom organization, she told me about her horrible past. About her mother's death. I felt bad for her, but she said she changed to be a better woman.

"How about you spend the night at my house tomorrow? That way we can go to school together the day after that? I will supply the food then." Sidney asks as she helps me make my bed.

"Sure, sounds good to me. Thank you for being so kind, it means the whole world to me. Helps when I feel so alone when my parents decide to leave." I comment.

"Tell me about it, my dad is leaving for a business trip tonight. Talking about it, I should probably go spend some time with him before he leaves."

"Well how about I come around your house at 6? That way I can feed Chewie."

"Perfect, I will see you tomorrow (y/n). It's really nice hanging with you, I am excited to call you my friend now."

She hugs Chewie for the longest time before I follow her towards the back door, making sure I lock it once I close it again. Making sure she is safe, I watch as she goes through our fence doors. Once I know she is safely back home, I head back up to my bedroom. Chewie was already passed out on my bed as I returned. I softly move him out of the way as I scoot into bed, getting comfortable in my new bed.

Excited for a new day with my new friend, I turn off the lights. Chewies snoring quickly sends me to a deep slumber, if only I knew what this new town had in store for me.

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