Chapter 1

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Tord's POV

Its been a few weeks since I lost everything. My army. My sanity.

My friends...

It's all my fault. I did this to myself. I had everything I needed to be happy. But NO, I had to have more. I got power hungry and this is the price I have to pay now. I deserve this.

I happen to look over to where some garbage cans are. Maybe there's a blanket or some salvageable food, I thought to myself as I slowly get up, wincing in pain as I move. I start rummaging through the bins hoping to find something. "Bingo!" I say to myself as I reach in and pull out a can of cola. "Hey Edd, I found you a-" Oh right. I don't have friends anymore.

I toss the can back into the bin only to hear a clinking of a small metal piece getting launched out of its position. A razor.

I pick it up and go over to the dark alleyway I was just sitting in.

I put the blade against the skin of my forearm. "I deserve this," I repeatedly say to myself as I cut deeply over and over again. Tears start pouring from my eyes as I repeat those three words. Unaware of how loud I was being until I see three people standing in the alleyway, curious of the noise.

Edd's POV

"Tom, you shouldn't be wasting all of that money on Smorniff-"

"Its Smirnoff, Edd, and don't tell me what to do. You waste your money on Big ass 2-liters of cola so don't even try." Tom scoffed. "Seriously one of these days you're gonna need a fucking colonoscopy." He smirked.

"Well don't come crying to me when you need a liver transplant," I shot back, amused with my comeback.

"What's a colonoscopy?" Matt said, making Tom snort.

"Google it, Matt," I said with a sigh.

We happened to pass a dark alleyway when we started hearing strange mumbling and sobbing. Tom must've heard it too and saw me look over, because he said, "Don't worry about it. Its probably just a homeless person or something."

"But what if its a cat?" Matt butted in. "Ringo needs a friend."

"Matt for the last time, we don't need two cats running around-" Tom tried to explain to Matt why we couldn't have another cat, but he was too fast. Matt already bolted into the alleyway with Tom on his heels. I sighed and decided to catch up with them when they stopped in their tracks.

"What's going on-" I started saying when I saw that familiar red hoodie and horned hair.

I Deserve This - (A Tom x SuicidalTord Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now