Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of a door closing next to my room. I looked around, scared of where I was. I slowly got up and opened the door. I walked out into the hallway when I ran into Edd.

Oh, you're awake!" Edd exclaimed. He ran over to me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged back, breaking down in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry!" I sobbed.

"Shh it's okay we forgive you. Do you wanna get something to eat?" He asked.

"Sure, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it is! You're my friend! Come on downstairs. I made pancakes."

I could never turn down Edd's cooking. He was like the Gordan Ramsey of the house, except for the temper.

I got to the kitchen table where Tom and Matt were sitting and stuffing their faces.

"Oh! Hi Todd! How are you feeling?"

"Its Tord and I'm feeling better." I answered sheepishly. Tom gave me a sideways glance before returning to his pancakes.

"Hey Tord your gonna be staying with Tom at his apartment." Edd said.

"Are you sure? Is it okay with Tom?" I asked, kind of scared to be bothering Tom right now.

"You're sleeping on the couch." He grumbled.

I nodded my head understandably and finished my food.

An hour later Tom and I got to our apartment. "Don't touch my shit or I'll break your other arm." He threatened. I nodded, and he got up and went to his room.

I know that Edd and Matt forgave me, but I understand why Tom wouldn't want to. I ruined his life. I'm lucky enough that he let me stay here for now.

I felt around in my pocket and to my surprise, the razor was still there. Maybe I can get away with slitting my wrist in the bathroom tonight if I'm quiet enough.

All I did today was sleep on the sofa. I think I heard Tom come downstairs a few times but nothing out of the ordinary.

12:00 AM

Its finally time to carry out my death sentence. I quietly make my way to the bathroom upstairs. I shut the door behind me and pull out my razor. Finding the vein in my wrist, I make a deep, clean cut, and blood gushes out. I lean over the bathtub as streams of crimson run over my arm. I start feeling dizzy and black out.

Tom's POV

I shoot up in bed when I hear a loud thud coming from the bathroom. I make my way over and open the door.

There was Tord, laying on the floor. There was blood everywhere. I tried to find out where the blood was coming from and found that he slit his wrist. I dialed 911 in a panic as I try to see if Tord is still conscious. He weakly opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Now you don't have to deal with me anymore." His voice was barely a whisper. "Tell Edd and Matt I'm sorry." He falls unconscious. I try to shake him awake, tears falling down my cheeks, as the ambulance pulls into the parking lot.

I quickly run over to Edd and Matt's apartment and bang on the door. Edd opens it looking confused. "What's going on?" He asked as I scream, "Tord slit his wrist!"

They take him out on a stretcher as Edd and Matt run out with me to the ambulance. I decided to ride with Tord to the hospital.

I held his hand all throughout the ride, whispering soothing things to him.

This wasn't the Tord I knew before.

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