Chapter 12

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Tord's POV

The car ride home was peaceful. I was snuggled up against Tom, careful not to irritate my stitches. I felt his fingers combing through my hair as I drifted off to sleep.

Tom's POV

I had my arm around Tord and petting his hair while he slept. He looked so freaking adorable I just couldn't help myself. I kissed his forehead and he snuggled even closer. I rested my head on top of his and closed my eyes.

Tord's POV

The warmth in my body turned into pins and needles as I painfully woke up. I was in the alleyway, looking around in panic. I slowly got up and shuffled to the small opening when something pulled me to the ground.

💚You should have listened.

I turned my head to the direction the voice came from, only to see an empty space.

"Edd? Is that you?"

I tried to get up, but something was weighing me down.

💜He never loved you. It was a dream.

A second voice joined the first, now a duet of insults.

"Matt, help!"

No answer.

"No, it wasn't a dream!" I yell, my voice cracking and my eyes watering. "He does love me! If he didn't, then why did he take care of me?!"

If he did love you, where is he now?

A third voice joined the choir.

"Patryck! Get me out of here!"

I struggle to break free of my invisible restraints, ignoring the pain throughout my whole body.

💛I thought you were a fearless leader. Quit crying like a baby.

I look around for Paul but to no avail.

"Paul where are you?!"

Now close to tears I scream out, "TOM! HELP ME!"

💙Why should I?

His voice rang in my ears as Tom stood over me.

💙You get what you deserve. A stupid communist pig like you should grovel like you are right now. You are nothing. You should have cut deeper. You should have put your head against Mark's gun. YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED A LONG TIME AGO! YOU SHOULD HAVE SUFFERED A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER! BEEN! BORN!

I was in tears now. In total rejection, I whispered, "I know you don't like me. I know you never did. But at least answer my question. Why didn't you let me bleed out?"

💙What a pathetic son of a bitch. Letting you die is too kind of a punishment. You have to live with your guilt, knowing that even though your friends let you live with them, they still don't trust you. They keep looking over their shoulders and preparing for you to go mentally insane again.

💚You thought he loved you? An ugly communist bastard who probably grew up in a gulag? Ha! In your dreams, lover boy!

I winced at what the voice, I assumed was Edd's, said.

💜Hey! I actually got the pun!

Hey Tard! Look what I've become the leader of!

I turn towards what sounded like Eduardo's voice and I'm greeted with the sight of what used to be the red army.

"I thought you were dead!"

Nope, but you're gonna be now. OPEN FIRE!

Eduardo's army starts shooting. I try to get behind cover, but I'm still being held down. The bullets pierce my entire body as I take my last breath.

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