Chapter 10

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Tord's POV

As I gained consciousness, the smell of hand sanitizer hit me and I panicked. I couldn't move or talk at all. I tried to open my eyes but the best I could do was crack them open.

There I see Tom, at my bedside holding my hand, asleep. His head right next to my arm. Edd and Matt were here too. Edd was chilling in the corner, still shaken from the event that just took place a couple hours ago. Matt was nowhere to be seen, but I knew he would be around. Matt usually never goes anywhere without at least one of us there to babysit him.

The doctor came in, and started talking to the two.

"He's in a medical coma right now, and not likely to respond. Why don't you guys go home and come check on him tomorrow?"

Tom lifted his head and glared at the man. "I am not leaving his side and if you try to make me, I will kill you all and burn this place to the ground.

As if the man wasn't already creeped out by Tom's pitch black 'eyes', he is definitely scared now.

"O-okay, no need to get angry-"

"Don't worry about him. He's had a rough night. We all have." Edd butted in, making sure that Tom wouldn't go psycho.

As the doctor awkwardly left in a hurry, Matt scurried into the room with an armful of snacks.

"Look what I got from the vending machines." Matt said with a smirk. He held a can of cola in front of Edd's face, and he snapped out of whatever daze he was in with wide eyes and a smile.

"Mine!!!" He shouted as he practically grabbed the can right out of Matt's hand. I could have sworn he was smeagoling.

He tossed a bag of what I was assuming cool ranch Doritos at Tom. It hit him in the head, but he made no move to grab them.

"Not hungry right now, but thanks."

Matt nodded and attempted to open his own chips. He made so much noise that eventually Edd just walked up to him quite irritated and grabbed the bag out of his hand.

"Give me that!" He took the bag, opened it and gave it back to him.

I must have been smiling, because Edd looked over and tapped Tom on the shoulder. He turned to look at me, and smiled. He ran his fingers through my hair and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I used all of my strength to squeeze his hand to let him know that I'm here, but it barely comes out as a squeeze. Still, Tom felt it and squeezed back, happy to know that I was conscious.

Tom's POV

I squeezed Tord's hand as I started to tear up. He was letting me know that he was here.


It had been a couple hours and Edd and Matt decided to go home for the night. It was just me and Tord now. I lay my head next to his arm and fell asleep.


I went home early in the morning to change and freshen up when I got a call.

"Hi, is this Mr. Ridgewell?"

"Yea, what do you want?"

"I'm pleased to tell you that Mr. Larsson is awake from his coma. Would you like to go down and see him?"

"Yea I'll be right there."

I ran to Edd and Matt's apartment to tell them the news, then jumped into my car and made my way to the hospital.

I Deserve This - (A Tom x SuicidalTord Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now