Chapter 14

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Tord's POV


Tom tackled me as the gun went off, the bullet just grazing the side of my head. My head hit the ground, making the room spin even more than it was before. The breath was knocked out of me and I was gasping for air as I curled myself up into a ball. I sobbed loudly as Tom picked me up and sat me on my bed.

"...Why...?" He softly asked while caressing my cheek. "What drove you to do this?"

I lowered my gaze to the floor. "Nothing matters. Like I've said a thousand times, I deserve this."

I squeaked when I was pulled into a hug, followed by Edd joining in from the other side.

Matt burst into the room. "What happened I heard a loud popping noise-" he stopped when he saw the three of us hugging and pouted. "I like hugs too you know." He crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks.

"Get in here you crazy beano." Tom said with a laugh. He ran over to us and wedged his way to the middle with a grin.

"Wow guys, I'm flattered but you have to take me out to dinner first."

Tom turned to Matt with a disgusted look on his face. I snorted.

"Matt what the hell?" Edd laughed.

We decided to have a sleepover  in my room tonight, so we all took out our sleeping bags and gathered around my bed.

Its been a couple of hours, and I couldn't sleep. The voices were louder than ever.

💚They're asleep! Now's your chance!

💜Idiot. You should've died when you got shot.

💙Tom doesn't want you to die because it will look like he drove you to suicide. That's all he wants.

💘Your his toy. Nothing but an emotional play thing.

💛You don't matter.

💚They will be glad you're gone.

💙Run away. Jump into oncoming traffic.

💜Go commit toaster bath.

💘Fat ass.

I started sobbing. I bit my pillow to try to muffle them. I didn't have the energy to die. Not now.

Tom's POV

I woke up to what sounded like Tord hyperventilating in a pillow. I slowly got up and sat on his bed. I rubbed his back and he turned to look at me. With teary eyes he said, "They won't stop."

"Who won't stop?" I asked concerned, while drying his tears.

"The voices. That's why I try to kill myself. That's the only way to silence them."

"I think I know a different way." I smiled softly as he tilted his head in question.

"H-how?" He sounded hopeful. Maybe he found out that he didn't have to die to stop those voices.

I carefully climbed into bed beside him and spooned him. I held his hand as his shaking calmed down. I cuddled him even closer, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Love you, Tord."

"Love you too, Tom." He said with a yawn.

I smiled. Maybe he will be okay.

Tord's POV

"Love you, Tord."

My breath caught in my throat as I responded in happy tears. "Love you too, Tom."

The voices actually stopped for once. Maybe I don't have to kill myself. Maybe I could live like this.

My eyes start to feel heavy as I slowly drift off to sleep, Tom's warm body my thermal blanket.


I could live like this.

The End....

Or is it?

I Deserve This - (A Tom x SuicidalTord Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now