Chapter 11

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Tord's POV

I tried to sit up in bed, but it hurt like hell so I was adjusting it to a sitting position when Tom walked in.

Realization and tears flooded his eyes when he saw me moving and smiling at him. He hugged me and started crying. I wiped away his tears and kissed him softly.

"I thought you died.."

"Eh, I'm weak. I blacked out. I thought I was gonna die too."

He hugged me even tighter. "Don't do anything this stupid again."

I laughed."Okay fine. I love you, Jehova."

"Love you too, Commie."

"Now help me out of this damn bed. I wanna grab some food."

"There's no way I'm carrying you so I'm gonna get a wheelchair."

"Ugh whatever."

Tom pushed a wheelchair into the room and helped me into it.

We were on our way to the cafeteria when we ran into Edd and Matt.

"Hey, Tord. Glad to see you're awake." Edd smiled.

"Its good to be awake. I'm sick of that damn bed and I haven't even been conscious in it for most of the time."

Tom laughed. "We're on our way to the cafeteria. Wanna grab some food with us?"

Before Edd could answer, Matt ran to the cafeteria screaming "FOOD!!!"

I shook my head and laughed. At least Matt doesnt look like he's scarred for life."

Yea, about that..." Edd paused. We both gave him confused looks. "I told him he was dreaming."

"Matt's so gullible." I laughed.

We hit the cafeteria and grabbed some lunch when the nurse found us and told us that I could be discharged from the hospital.

"Finally. Lets go home."

I Deserve This - (A Tom x SuicidalTord Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now