chapter 12 : family meet

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Ishitha is so stressed up about the deal she made and also worried what if the news spreads till india and her family will be able to know as ajay kapoor is a big famous business man. She decides to talk things out with ajay.

Ishitha coughs...

A: yes ishitha i was waiting for you to talk can we have a talk?

I: actually thats why i have here

A : by the way you remember right you have to visit my house this weekend and engagement is around the corner? We have to start potraying as lovebirds...?

I: regarding that i will be able to visit your family but i do not want the engagement to be so fast and public i want to keep it private.

A: what? You do know this is just a deal then why make a big deal? My grandmother is counting her days i really want her to see this and thats why i am even marrying you...

I : i understand but can we keep it private? I do not want much people to know and especially the media?

A : no way we are on a public profile and the world have the right to know who is my partner and also we have been already clicked remember? We are giving a interview tomorrow as well...

Ishitha mind voice : looks like am done for i just hope they do not flash news of ajay and my family should not see it.

A : what are you thinking about? Be mine now?

He puts his hands in ishitha wraist and pulls her towards himself.

Ishitha whisphers to him : be in your limits we need this drama for public when we are alone we do not need this

A : of course darling as you wish

Ajay puts his hands down.

A: shall we go? The press is waiting downstairs to click us leaving the office.

I : ughh fine lets goo

Ajay holds ishitha and they give some pose for the media to capture it. They get into ajay's car. Both of them heave a sigh of relief.

I : how do you even manage the media its hard

A : you will get used to it darling

Ishitha smiles with fustration.

A : here is your house, remember i will come straight to pick you up for my family dinner this weekend. Wear the dress i will be sending you.

Ishitha nods and goes.

Time flies......

Its the weekend!!!!! Our ajay and ishitha's family meet.

Ishitha gets a gift from ajay to wear that for his family meet.

Ishitha gets annoyed and she wears a designer saree which ajay sent for her.

I: what now? I do not know how to tie a saree and its designer no way i am going to wear this. Wait i have to do this for my citizenship just for it.

She calls up a lady from the nearby beauty parlour and gets her work done. Ishitha gets escorted to ajay's house and everyone was ready to welcome her.

Ishitha steps down and her blouses strings accidentally got untied. Ishitha did not feel anything at first. Ajay was told to bring ishitha to the door for rituals. When he put his hands on her shoulder it felt like there was just skin and no dress. Ajay slowly peeked at her back and the laces of her blouses were untied.

A: do you know how to wear a saree and blouse? Never worn it before?

I: huh whaat do you mean i was in india how can i not know i may not look traditional but i do know okay.

A : starts laughing and whisphers ' your laces are open and yr bare back is exposed'

I: did you see anything?

A : ofc darling i saw everything after all am your fiaancee (starts giggling)

I : if you dont mind can u help me tie those please just do me this favour i owe you one and i have to face your family so this is just not my reputation but yours too.

A : okay okay fine but remember you owe me one

Ajay asks everyone to go first and he will bring her after a personal talk. He start to reties and ishitha closes her eyes. He ties it finish....

A : 'coughs' enough of being in your dreamland i know am very charming and my touch has affected you but not bad you are quite something.

I : ughh how dare you shut it even if i dream it will never be about you okay dont get high expectations about yourself...

Ishitha goes first and her hair hits ajay. Ajay stands still. Everyone calls ajay over. The elderly of the house starts the ritual and bless them. Everyone starts praising ishitha for being so pretty both in and out. Ishitha sits down at the dinner table with ajay.

Ajay's mother : dear where did you meet my son and how did you fall in love with this person who is always with his work?

I: emm i met him at work and falling wise your son will tell you... ( giving a smirk)

A : not sure how but all i know is that it was not love at first sight it just happened and i want to make her my wife is that not enough? Come lets all eat okay.....

Everyone is done with eating and ishitha gets ready to leave.

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