The Art of Family

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A/N: Yeet me into the sun 🌞


Darting across the snow-covered field away from the man chasing her, Lena couldn't stop her laughter from bubbling up and out of her lips, the locket bouncing against her chest heavily as she didn't even have the time to stick it down.

"Get back here you brat!"

"Run Lena, run!" Perenelle laughed brightly from across the field, wrapped in Nicolas' arms as they watched her run from Severus.

Bounding past Blaise, who looked a bit stunned, dumping a handful of snow on him as she did- she cackled maniacally as he made a sound of outrage but didn't expect to be tackled to the ground, both of them landing in the snowbank. She smiled up at him cheekily. "Oh, hello there."

With a small smile, Blaise leaned in to kiss her from where they were tangled on the ground. "You dumped snow on me."

"Yes, well, I did the same to Sev, who-"

Both of them sputtered slightly, a mound of cold snow dropped over them and they sat up, both glaring at where Severus was grinning at them. "Payback. For being inappropriately handsy and for that icicle you put down the back of my robes Lena."

Pulling each other up, she raised her hand. "Court! Avenge your Queen !"

With loud war-cries, Draco and Theodore charged past her, tackling the potions master into a similar snowbank.

When they were all well and damp from the extreme snow-fight (except Daphne and Ginny, who had claimed 'sickness' so they could sit to the side and talk with Parenelle while sipping hot chocolate), as Lena had the idea of using a spell she'd found second year to make the snow into swords, they trudged back to the castle for lunch.

Perenelle casting a few simpler drying spells so they weren't all making a big puddle, they took their places around the mostly-empty Slytherin table, most of the remaining Slytherins (and also Dumbledore- when did he get here? ) lumping together with their group until it was one big mess of teachers and students and everyone was laughing at Nicolas' long rant about how he always had music no one knew anymore stuck in his head.

Lena smiled along, but she was more focused on the way everyone was without care or worry, their faces all at ease even as a few of them were having side conversations of their own.

Is this... what it's like to have a family?

"I would imagine so." Riddle sounded just as awed as she felt and something warm rooted in her chest the longer the easy atmosphere stayed. "Now all that's missing is me sitting next to you."

If only. But you, my dear, are a bodiless memory and I a Queen of Ice- we were not meant to be this way, my dear... I fear our love is a tormented tragedy whose play is slowly coming to a close.

"How... dramatic."

She gave a soft huff of a laugh, hiding her grin in Blaise's shoulder as his arm moved to instinctively wrap around her waist.

It's a talent, dearest one.

Riddle sounded as if he was smiling and she could picture his curved lips and mirthful eyes. "Ah, yes, I should have known you'd say that."

Perhaps one day, in the lonely expanse of stars I like to think come after this troublesome existence... maybe we will sit like this, at a long table with family and friends. Maybe your arm will be around my waist and my face tucked into your chest as we whisper soft nothings to each other as if the world around us has no meaning, but today, my love, is not that day.

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