The Art of Blood

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Life went on as smoothly as it could- with it being her life.

Ginny made seeker, much to Lena's relief (so she didn't have to try out), and she kept her normal schedule for the next week, spending her nights either in Marvolo and Riddle's arms or helping students with their homework.

Except, with every detention, her forearm got worse, the cuts deeper, and Umbridge didn't stop because of a bit of blood- just putting a tray under her arm so she wouldn't get it on the lace. Lena was meticulous about using cleaning charms at the end of detentions, knowing that so much fresh blood was just asking to be taken advantage of by some potion or dark ritual.

The students were slowly driving Umbridge crazy, the Slytherins starting with drawing crude things on her kitten plates and changing the color of her pink robes whenever they could, and the other houses quickly caught on and joined in on the fun.

The other teachers looked the other way, obviously not fans of Umbridge, and Severus especially had no problem crucifying her for her slips of the tongue when she got irritated.

And yet... the woman, as she heard, didn't do anything but lecture the students in detention and give them normal (if not tedious) detentions.

Nicolas and Perenelle,

I have a minor problem, but I swear I have good reasoning behind it and ask you to please not try to meddle or tell anyone- as that would cause problems in my plan.

Do you know of a good healing spell or two that would maybe help with curse wounds? Even a book title or a suggestion of an author would be nice.

I do have access to the restricted section, after all, and might need it.



Lena, dear,

Nick and I both think you should go to Severus or Dumbledore, but will not interfere without knowing the whole story.

As for the book, I included a few old healing spells but it depends on what type of curse magic you're dealing with.

For the more touchy magics that won't heal with any of the spells, I would use murtlap essence.

Hope you're doing well,


Lena found herself in the Chamber of Secrets, the locket and ring (formerly cup) laying on the sofa as she floated in the clear pool of water and tried to forget about how her arm was stinging. She'd tried six different spells before finally just soaking her arm in murtlap essence and she felt like her whole arm was throbbing in protest.

But that was okay because she deserved this for being a monster- wasn't that what the Matron used to say?

And anyone who had even the slightest blood on their hands was a monster- a sinner.

Lena had long been so very stained with the blood dripping from her hands.

A catfish moved to nibble at her toes and she closed her eyes, sinking into the water, letting out the air from her lungs until her mind cleared and she couldn't hear a single thing. Staying under as long as she could by weighing herself down with her magic like a rock on her chest, she would break the surface and float until she got her breath back, then sink back to the dark watery abyss.

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