Why Not Fight For Your Life?

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A/N: Welcome to the Hogwarts Games! Your objective? Survive! ^-^


Thomas Gaunt, Lord of the Ancient House of Gaunt, smiled thinly at Albus Dumbledore from the side of Lucius Malfoy. "Headmaster Dumbledore." He held out his hand. "Thomas Gaunt. It's a pleasure to meet you, as I have heard quite a lot from Lucius about you..."

"Ah, all good things I hope?" With eyes that twinkled merrily, the Headmaster took his hand, patting the back like some friendly old man. "I heard that a young man had claimed the Gaunt heirship- did you go to school here? If so, I'm sorry but I don't remember you off the top of my head, my boy."

"I was homeschooled." He took his hand back slowly but with enough force that the man couldn't keep a hold on it, clasping his wrist behind his back, suspecting that the man knew exactly who he was.

Dumbledore nodded. "A Defense Master too, as I've heard... Perhaps I'll have to talk to you about teaching sometime."

He couldn't hide all of his shock, blinking at where the man smiled and then bid him goodbye before moving to talk to 'Moody', who only glanced at him in a way that looked to be in suspicion but was really to check with him that everything was still on plan.

Lucius looked at him out of the corner of his eye. "Shall we find a seat?"

"Please." Turning away from the strange old man (that he would never understand), they moved to the middle of the small V.I.P stands and settled on the seats that even with the cushioning spells were still slightly uncomfortable.

Though- he reminded himself - it was well worth it for the opportunity to see Lena in action.

The Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch looked like an abandoned muggle village with tall hedges in some places blocking sight, tires laid out to form obstacles, crates laying around, and areas of tall grass growing in patches around the edges.

Ludo Bagman stepped up to a platform, smile wide and cheery. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, a test of physical strength and adaptability! The four champions will have to survive the arena for thirty minutes- fear not, we have specialized healers on staff should any of the champions get too injured, though they will lose points should the healers be called! As well, scattered around the area are three hidden weapons, one hidden healing potion, and ten deadly creatures!!"

Thomas looked to Lucius, who determinedly wouldn't look at him before his eyes slid back to Bagman.

He was not pleased with this.

"Because of the creatures and the lives on the line, everyone in the crowd- including myself- are silenced to the champions, but the arena itself is amplified so we should be able to hear every single word that's spoken! Now, please welcome our CHAMPIONS!"

A sharp whistle echoed around the quidditch pitch, four figures appearing around the edges of the arena.

His eyes immediately went to the smaller girl, who was in the dragonhide pants she'd worn the first task and muggle t-shirt.

"Great." Lena's muttered voice echoed around the area, sounding as if her patience was about worn thin- the girl stalking through the tall grass she'd arrived in, hands stuffed in her pockets and a slight pout on her face. "I swear, the second I get out of here I'm going to rip that stupid grin off Bagman's face... putting children in with dangerous creatures, honestly, what a load of rubbish."

Ludo seemed not to know what to say to that, his smile flickering before it was back in full effect. "Well then folks, looks like the youngest champion woke up on the wrong side of the bed! And while the others are being cautious about their noise level and how they're studying the course, Miss Farland seems not to even care!"

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