Exhibit B: Bloody Writing On The Wall

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A/N: THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS IS OPEN! (this year will be a bit shorter, as there are only a few things that are crucial to the plot, but the third and fourth year will be longer) ^-^


Apparently, the Gryffindors were mad at Slytherin again and of course, she was to blame- because who else was a good target?

Lena put her head in her hands, rubbing at her eyes and feeling the headache from the long day come back with a vengeance. Coming from a long and tiring lesson in Runes, she had not expected to be hexed in the back by a group of Gryffindors and was only a hair of self-control away from sticking her knife in the boy when two red-haired twins had undone the spell to make her hair bright blue and thanked her for being nice to their sister.

She had nodded and taken some of her time to tell the Weasley twins named Fred and George about the friends Ginny was slowly making as they walked her to the Common Room while also having a conversation on the History of Hogwarts.

Though she wasn't all that pleased with why the Gryffindors had tried to hex her.

"Marcus. Are you really telling me you not only accepted an obvious bribe from Lord Malfoy without even checking to see if Draco was a suitable seeker, but you also decided to try to steal the Gryffindor's time slot for practice and flaunted your accepted bribe in their face?"

The Quidditch team, who she had stopped as soon as they got into the Common Room, shifted uneasily.

They were still sweaty and gross, but she was far too irritated to care, narrowing her eyes and putting her hands on her hips. "Anything else you want to share with me?"

Adrian Puecy muttered something and when she put a hand to her ear, he said it again a bit louder in a mumble. "Draco- he called Granger a Mudblood."

"And when my brother tried to curse Malfoy, the idiot cursed himself because he somehow accidentally snapped his wand on the train." Ginny Weasley spoke up from the side of the common room, eyes curious as she watched them.

"Wonderful." The boys flinched at her venomous tone. Turning, she looked at the fire and tried to control her temper. "Did you know I stopped a murder today?"

"Um- how..." Pucey sounded unsure. "How did you do that?"

She snarled back at them. "Self-control."

The room was silent as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Rubbing at her temples, she sighed. "Okay. Here's how this is going to play out. Everyone already knows you have the brooms, so hiding them isn't an option anymore, but you will hold tryouts and show that Draco is the best and not just a pretty face with money." Draco frowned at the floor, but she disregarded him for the moment. "I will try to fix things with Ron, but Malfoy will have to apologize to Granger himself. And because you lot are content to give me worse migraines than I have been having I will be sleeping in my room for the next three nights."

That got a few glares from the members of the house she knew relied on having late-night talks with her to not think about their nightmares, Flora and Hestia scowling as she knew they'd been planning to ask her about studying Occlumency late at night and would have to postpone.

"Go shower." When the group started to shuffle, off she fixed a smaller blonde with a stern look. "Not you Draco. Come here."

Swallowing thickly, the boy approached where she was standing next to the fire. "Y- yes?"

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