Our Own House

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Lena must have been a sight- still in the same white dress that she'd been buried in along with her black cloak and the circlet still laying on her head- so she wasn't all that surprised when the hall went silent as she walked through the doors.

"Lena, dear," Tom's voice was a murmur, "when you said that you were sent back to your body by Hades... does that mean that you woke up in your casket... under six feet of dirt?"

She was really hoping that little detail would escape everyone's notice.

She glanced at him, before making an affirmative sound. (No use lying now.) "Uh-huh."

Tom's voice dipped, obviously displeased at that thought. "And... how did you get out?"

"I moved the dirt. Crawled out of the hole in the ground like any good zombie movie." Her lips tilted up, remembering the groundskeeper she'd scared the wits out of. "You should have seen the face of the groundskeeper- I wouldn't be surprised if he soiled himself in fear, though I must have looked quite frightened with the- uh, where did I put it." Patting her pockets, she pulled out the vial of greek fire, holding it up proudly. "This, in my hand, in the dark? Terrifying."

"Yes, I'm sure it was that and not the fact you just emerged from a grave." Tom scowled. "I cannot believe you're being so- so calm about all of this!"

Shrugging, she paused at the head of the Slytherin table, looking at him with a wry smile. "Thomas, I've had two months to come to terms with what I would need to do. And anyways, wishing me to be more freaked out would be shooting yourself in the foot, wouldn't it? Because I probably would be very upset with you, had I not had that extra time."

Tom seemed to cave at that, waving to where there was a space at the bench as if asking if he could sit down. "Then I will aspire to be more in awe of your resilience than disbelieving."

Lena rolled her eyes at him, sitting down, brushing her dress and cloak behind her as she did. "You're just happy that I'm not trying to stab you at the moment." When he nodded, not about to deny that, she huffed softly and then looked at the table that was staring at her. "So, ignoring Thomas... What's up?"

Shoulder feeling bruised with the way Ginny had punched her, holding the girl as she refused to let go of her, Lena reminded herself that she had expected this. One of her hands was being held by Daphne as Draco held the other, Blaise resting two fingers casually over her pulse on the wrist Draco was holding, she felt a bit like a Slytherin stress ball. And yet she couldn't complain, as having them here with her- all the people she'd been craving to see with her own eyes for a whole year now- was worth being tugged in six different directions.

"I promised to come back for our seventh year, didn't I- shame on you, for doubting me." Lena tried to lighten the mood with a joke but as soon as it left her lips she knew it was too soon.

Ginny shook against her, Daphne choking softly as her downcast eyes glistened with fresh tears.

Lena flailed slightly. "That was a joke- really, I'm not upset! How could I be, I mean you're all alive and well and I loved reading the letters you sent me-"

Her voice was drowned out by Draco's when he squeezed her hand, his voice stiff and demanding even if it held a waiver of grief under its bravado. "Never again- you can't leave again, okay? You- you're too young to die."

"I-" Her voice was soft, staring at all of them in slight bewilderment, before sighing slightly and nodding. "Severus already said I'm grounded until I'm 30... I'm not going anywhere."

Dinner was a whole affair in itself- Charlie coming over to hug her tightly, having grown to where he was able to lift her off her feet, much to her disapproval- and she found that everyone wanted to make sure she was alright, even getting a hug from Professor Babbling. Finally, even if somewhat awkwardly, the court seemed to settle slightly to the point where she could eat without people actively clinging to her.

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