Why Not Give Blood To A Near Stranger?

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A/N: Get ready for some feels and a bit of Lena insulting someone with Greek Myth ^-^


Hestia and Flora led a group of small first-years in, only sparing a glance and smile to her, the rest of Slytherin tromping in until she gave them a deadly glare, and they all sort of sheepishly toned down their noise.

However, the small new snakes were gaping at where she was currently being clung to by a tear-stained Theo who had promptly fallen asleep after sobbing on her.

Not that she was upset- Theo needed a break from life and he was getting it.

It wasn't the usual impression she liked to make but she supposed that it would have to do. After Hestia and Flora explained the house rules quietly, she waved the group forward and gave a tired smile, her voice a soft mutter. "Hello. I am Lena Farland, Queen of Slytherin, and the boy you see clinging to me is my Jester." She scrunched up her nose slightly. "He's not feeling so funny right now."

One of the girls in the back giggled, the others looking wildly confused.

"I won't pretend like on the regular day I won't be scary and sometimes a bit cold, but this house is not just metaphorical. From now on everyone wearing the badge of Slytherin is family and we all stick together. Me being Queen just means that I oversee everyone's safety and make sure nothing horrible happens." She pointed to where two Slytherins were sitting all the way across the Common Room from each other. "Those two? They were dating last year but are now acting as if they hate each other, so after I am released from captivity-" a few other of the kids giggled at this and she smiled, "-I will have to talk to them. In short, I smooth things over- plus it helps that I'm friends with the Headmaster."

The girl who had giggled earlier smiled mischievously. "So you're like our mom now?"

"Well..." Lena blinked a few times. "I suppose that's one way to see it. Mom, sister, cousin, protector- whatever title you want to give me, I am."

"I always wanted a mom!" The girl beamed and moved to hug her awkwardly, to which she looked to where Flora and Hestia were snickering, mouthing 'help me' and causing the other kids to snicker.

Hestia started over. "Okay, now why don't we give Lena some room, Theodore has been through quite the experience lately and-"

"And this is Hestia! The other Queen of the House!" The room stilled, Lena grinning at the pure shock on the girl's face. "Uncrowned, of course, but she's been on my court for a long while, so she'll be the other house mom, right?"

The older girl seemed to flail, before nodding. "Right... Now- um- now let's see about your rooms..."

Blaise moved over, whistling lowly at the glare she got back from Hestia. "Looks like she's pretty mad about that being sprung on her. Same with Puecy- I heard he thought he was a straight shot for King. You know, we've never had two Queens before, though we have had two Kings."

"Maybe that's why this house is so bent out of shape. Boys are dumb."

The boy made a move as if wounded. "I am hurt."

She scoffed. "You're dumb too. Be hurt." Waving him off when Theo shifted slightly, she pulled the lanky boy in her arms closer.


Hmm... It was strangely appropriate for her behavior if one ignored her occasional death threat, as she had the sense that child services wouldn't like a mother threatening to kill her children.

"I refuse to go back to Divination or Care of Magical Creatures as they're both useless. You should teach me again. It would be so much-"

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