Why Not Use Self-defense?

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A/N: *gulps down copious amounts of caffeine* It's Halloweeeeeen, spooky bois!


After an entertaining conversation with Krum about the differences between Durmstrang and Hogwarts- with the Bulgarian Quidditch Team roping Draco, Madame Zabini, and Blaise into a drinking contest in the background- Lena said her goodbyes to the group and the Minister before walking with the Malfoys and Snape back to their tent, as the Zabinis and Theo were not staying the night.

They'd spent a fair amount of time with the Bulgarians, the sky a beautiful dark navy blue with stars unhindered by clouds, the last traces of the golden light from the sun long having seeped from the sky.

"Ah! Lucius!" A man ran over, dressed in long Quidditch robes with thick horizontal stripes of bright yellow and black, an enormous picture of a wasp on his chest. His nose was slightly bent off-center, his short blond hair and rosy complexion making him look like a very overgrown schoolboy. "So good to see you here! "

The man following the thinner man was a stiff, upright, elderly man, dressed in an impeccably crisp suit and tie. The parting in his short gray hair was almost unnaturally straight, and his narrow toothbrush mustache looked as though he trimmed it using a slide rule, his sneer seeming to be permanently etched into his face. "Lord Malfoy."

"Ludo. Barty." The elder Malfoy looked to them with piercing eyes. "What is it?"

Bouncing up and down, the thinner man she suspected was this 'Ludo' smiled as if a kid about to get candy. "Did you talk to the Bulgarian Minister? Did he sign? Is it going to happen?"

"Yes." Lucius glanced at her, before smirking back at Ludo. "Everything is going according to plan gentlemen. The Minister agreed with little to no persuasion- actually Miss Farland here helped me with that part."

"Miss... ?" The thin man looked to where she was keeping Draco from falling on his face before smiling brightly. "Blimey! You're Helena Potter! I'm Ludo! Ludo Bagman!"

Narrowing her eyes, she looked from where he'd extended his hand to glare poisonously at the man. "My name is Lena Farland." She looked to where Lucius was smiling like the cat that had eaten a canary, feeling as if this next year would be very interesting indeed. "We should get back to camp."

"There's something coming. Something bad, if I have to clarify."

Thanks, Captain Obvious.


Snape seemed to agree with her, looking to Lucius skeptically and then helping her drag the half-unconscious Draco towards camp. "Agreed."

Saying a few more words to the men, the tall blonde caught up with them quickly, a smile still on his lips.

Sounds of loud blasts came from the distance, people shouting, but the others seemed to put it off as celebration as they walked further into the midst of tents.

"I don't think..." Trusting her gut feeling of danger as she eyed where an orange glow was lighting the night, she clutched onto Draco harder. "That doesn't sound like fireworks... It sounds almost like-"

"Shouts." Snape looked to Lucius sharply. "Why was there no word?"

The smile was gone from the blonde's face, his jaw clenched. "It's unsanctioned."

"Get out of here, Lena. Get out now!"

Both men shared dark and unhappy looks and she waved her hand at them. "Go then. I can make sure Draco and I are safe while you two go confront your old war buddies." At their sharp looks, she raised an eyebrow, no humor or patience left in her tone. "Must I repeat myself?"

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