Northern New York

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Two Months Earlier

It was late when the floo spit out a middle-aged man with a kind (but tired) face that was wearing a long black overcoat and a nice suit, Gomez making a delighted sound as he helped steady the man. "Marcus Scamander, my good fellow, you cut a ghastly sight indeed!"

Lena's eyebrows raised from above her hot chocolate, glancing at Pugsley and Wednesday.

"His father's a good friend of the family, though no one in their family ever remembers to come over on holidays." Pugsley frowned slightly, voice a murmur. "In fact last we had Mr. Scamander over, it was with his late wife- Tina."

"-yes, well, father sent me to get the girl, as he doesn't leave the manor much anymore and just got finished dealing with the new runespoor he went and saved despite what Credence suggested and..." The man sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Really, Mr. Addams, I think that this might be a bit much for my father to handle at this time and Dumbledore isn't always known for his easy requests."



Light brown eyes found her again and she arched a single eyebrow slowly, watching the man swallow thickly. "I mean, my father hasn't been in the best mental state since mother passed and-"

Gomez nodded. "Oh, yes, you are quite right." The mustached man looked at her sternly. "I trust you will make the family's famous bloodmeal for Mr. Scamander along with sending our wishes for him to join his wife soon in undying rot?"

Ignoring where the other man was gaping, she stood and set her mug aside, nodding. "Of course I will. It would be my pleasure." Shouldering her bag and picking up her trunk, she tucked her hands in the pockets of her worn jeans, staring at the man who was sputtering. "Now, as I am obliged to follow the plan that Albus set before me and he would not have suggested the change of location unless he had a suspicion of foul play... Shall we leave?"

"My father is already burdened enough and he has no need for-"

"No one has a need for any other person, but we find ourselves in the company of others anyway no matter how hard we try to be alone." Lena looked at the man steadily. "If I stay here for much longer, I may very well die. Are you going to sentence me to that fate?"

Pausing, the man sighed deeply and then opened up the floo line back up so the green flames could dance freely. "Very- very well. Step through to my office and then I will have someone drive you up to the manor."

Nodding, she did so, looking around at the medium-sized room that she ended up in, the man moving past her and waving his hand at her. "Come on then."

Moving after the man, she found herself in what had to be MACUSA- the American version of the ministry- looking around curiously as she walked after the man silently. She got the impression that he wasn't looking to talk, which was completely fine with her.

Walking out of the front door, the man moved through a parking structure and waved down a tall man that was smoking next to a glossy black car. "Cameron! I need you to take this girl to the Manor."

"The Manor?" The man frowned, looking between them a bit warily. "Mr. Scamander and Mr. Barebone know that she's coming? To the Manor?"

Marcus Scamander nodded. "Apparently it was above even my knowing until this morning. Can you get her there or not?"

"Of course, sir. Just..." The man looked between them, then seemed to think better about what he'd been about to say, shaking his head. "Go on and sit where you like, girlie. It's a bit of a long drive."

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