Bury Me Face Down

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A/N: More explanation and some good old-fashioned resurrection :)


Now that I'm thinking about it- why didn't the Horcruxes possess me? They had power over everyone else- even Credence was able to be possessed by it, despite fighting for control- and he was a powerful conduit of Dark Magic himself.

"You truly haven't figured that out?"

Lena was quiet for a long moment. ...No.

"No... what?"

No- you're... no.

He couldn't have- he wouldn't have-

The air was still for a long moment.

Her whisper broke the silence like a gunshot. He made another Horcrux.

"Voldemort had wanted to use the child of prophecy to create his seventh Horcrux anyways, killing James Potter before stunning your mother with the intention of killing both you and your twin before making her look upon where her children laid dead before he killed her. He intended to use your dead body to make a Horcrux, but when his wand exploded and the curse backfired... his unstable soul was split and sought the first magical object that felt similar to it. You."

What did-...

All the Horcruxes had meaning, purpose. He wanted to be rid of them because they were all the bad emotions that he felt he couldn't live with, so-... so what did he give me? What- what poisonous emotion lives in me without my request?

"Ah, but you were made without the intent to be made, so you harbor no one emotion, just pieces of who he'd become. Cruel, prideful, motivated, arrogant, uncaring- all of those words were used to describe you as a child, yes?"


The Guide hummed. "That was because you were a child and that part of Tom's soul, no matter how small, had an immense influence. Though now that you have grown into your own person, you are not seen as those as often, are you?"

I can be cruel, prideful, motivated, arrogant, and uncaring.

"So can all humans. That does not mean they are all you are. That part of his soul is no more than a tie now- a bond between the two of you that cannot be broken."

Lena thought about that for a moment before realizing something. Can't be broken- does that mean that by definition, he's immortal too? If he dies it's just... what's happening to me? He can't...

"Tom Riddle cannot die."


I... feel as if I should have more to say to that, but... Does that mean that I'm stuck with him forever?

"Eternity doesn't seem so horrible now, does it?"

I mean, yeah, that was half of what I was thinking. The other half was wondering how many decades to postpone our Honeymoon, just to make it exorbitantly clear that he shouldn't have lied to me.

The Guide laughed, a rich sound that would have made her smile, had she a body. "I think he is regretting it already."

So maybe... twenty years?

"Do you think you'll be able to hold yourself to that?"


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