Hellena Island, Aegean Sea

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Hanna, the woman that had biceps the size of her head who had been a hit wizard in her last life, left the temple the next day to work in the court that Zeus's temple ran as a bailiff.

Kadir just waved it off as he told Lena that the woman had her own issues and that was left at that.

The woman with the hawk-like eyes (who Monty had told her was named 'Kira') stayed only a day longer before transferring to the Artemis Temple easily, to which Julius (who was the man that had been stabbed while trying to harass said temple) pouted over for a long while.

She watched them leave silently, not about to argue if it fit her plans.

Air thick with a sort of earthy plant-based scent that reminded her of the way the Healer from the Temple of Elements always smelled like eucalyptus, she paused outside the doorway of the Apollo Temple- which was a length of silk- and then knocked on the doorframe softly. "Hello?"


Lena startled, magic rising in defense as she spun around as she hadn't expected anyone to come from behind her. Looking over the younger fellow with golden curly hair and a wide grin beneath freckles that looked like constellations, she forced herself to relax. "I came to ask about how the temple determines talent. If I can prove myself a worthy teacher for Kadir then-"

"You're that little Elementalist that got Ares out of his throne, yeah?" The man tilted his head with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Man that was a big surprise, Ares standing up and laying claim to you- it even shocked Hera- though she was pretty mad when she had to be the one to break up Hestia and Ares from yelling at each other. What kind of chaos do you bring, little Elementalist, if you have the God of War seconds away from outright fighting the normally peaceful Goddess of the Home?"

She paused, looking at him a bit more, her magic tingling the closer it got as if the air around him was electrified.

Riddle, darling?

There was no response.

He just stared at her, his smile now gone and she was reminded that the Greek Pantheon was known for its mercurial Gods.

"Lord Apollo." She bowed lowly for a long moment before standing and instinctively clasping her hands behind her back so she could let her magic pool into her hands in case she needed to defend herself. "If I may ask... where am I?"

"Temporarily between the planes that normally separate the world of mortals and men. A plane that humans cannot venture into, yet you were able to walk right into it- I just had to spin you a doorway."

Lena hid her discomfort well. "What are you saying?"

"I am saying, little Elementalist," the man's tone was sticky sweet as if teasing even as he started to circle her like a predator eyeing its prey, "something about you has ascended. You're not fully human anymore."

Her blood was ice, not daring to move an inch.

Apollo stood before her, eyes burning gold like the sun, his lips tilting into a smile again. "But no matter, we'll figure you out eventually. Now go, pretend as if nothing happened- I'd hate to have to send someone to destroy that soul container you wear..."

Her hand moved to cover the locket, narrowing her eyes-

But when she blinked, the god was gone.

"What can I do for you?"

Spinning around with wide eyes, she looked at a man with long dreadlocks and intelligent brown eyes, breathing out slightly when he just raised an eyebrow. "I- I was wondering what the test is to qualify as a potions expert, as I wish to take it so that when I teach Kadir of Ares everything I know, he may transfer to your temple."

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