chapter 23

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Smut warning!!!! It's happening guys!it's finally happening, buckle up guys I hope you enjoy the ride ;) although it's not kinky just yet, it's just vanilla because gotta be vanilla for Harry's first time ahaha

Louis looked around the cinema room looking for a note or something that would be the next clue. Then he saw it, it was one of the candles that were the ones from downstairs. He blew it out and took a moment to inhale the smell. Underneath was a note, he picked it up.

Woah you managed to find the first one *read that in your little sassy sarcastic voice*
Louis couldn't help but smile at that bit before continuing to read it.

The next clue is in a place where we have a lot of fun *wink wink*

"He's such a dork" Louis smiled as he folded the piece of paper and walked back to his room and over to the shower in the bathroom. There was another candle there so he blew it out. There was a note and something else, so he picked it up.

It was Harry's ring, but Harry was wearing his ring when he left so how was it now here, Louis thought to himself. He then read the note

Oops I've seem to have left my ring here, I should probably return to me, but I am rather clumsy so maybe there are other things I've dropped so make sure you grab them for me on the way. I seem to have forgotten a flower crown can you find it for me?

Louis put the note and ring in his pocket and then left to go to Phoebe and Daisy's dressing room. When he got there Phoebe and Daisy had moved from downstairs and were now sat on the floor there.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked, they said nothing like they did when they were downstairs but they passed him a broken flower clown with a note.

Oh no it's broken, you better go somewhere you can fix it, I'd rather not wear a broken flower crown

He smiled and took the flower crown with him as he left the house and got in his car. He put on the radio and hummed along to all the songs as he drove, once he was outside the flower shop he grabbed the crown and went in. Gigi and Zayn were sat together in the back room.

"I can't believe you guys are involved in this as well" Louis said, neither of them said anything but Gigi reached out and took the flower crown from Louis' hands and began to fix it and Zayn handed him another note.

I was a little bit silly and I left something in your car and I really miss it, can you please find it for me?

This was going to be impossible he thought to himself, how would he be able to find something if he didn't actually know what he was looking for. "Guys what am I supposed to be looking for?" He asked, but both of them just remained silent. Gigi quickly finished fixing the crown and just handed it back and both of them waved with a fake smile.

Louis sighed and left the shop, both of then let out a laugh they had been holding in. "He's going to be so happy when he sees Harry later" Zayn said, "I wish I could see his face when it happens but I'm pretty sure they will be up to some stuff that we won't want to see" Gigi said giggling a bit, "that's very true" Zayn added.

When Louis got to the car he began looking, but looking for something is very difficult when you don't know what something is....

He was so close to giving up and then decided to look under the front seat, oh how could he be this dumb, Harry would constantly leave things the front seat for him, why didn't he look there first.

There it was, he pulled it out. It was sugar, he smiled and held it tightly. It smelt like Harry, he couldn't believe Harry had left it here, like even though he would get it back next week Harry loved this bear so much. Pinned to its top was another note.

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