chapter 30

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My fake nana (she's my dads girlfriend's mum so we ain't related but she's always been like a nan to me) died of covid and I just got told and I need a distraction so here we are. Just when I thought this week couldn't get any worse....

Also I'm writing smut because that will definitely distract me so yeh smut warning

"Lou, wake up" Harry smiled poking Louis' face "don't want to" Louis mumbled pushing his face into the pillow. "I'm going to go make breakfast you better be dressed by the time it's ready or I'm dragging you out" Harry said walking downstairs. Louis mumbled some incoherent remarks before pulling himself out of bed and getting dressed.

He slowly walked down the stairs and went straight over to Harry hugging him from behind as Harry made them both breakfast "I can't wait to spend every morning like this" Louis said his face pressed into the back of Harry's top muffling his words slightly. "How did we get so lucky" Harry said turning around in Louis' arms to give him a kiss.

Once they had eaten and grabbed all the stuff Harry said they needed they left the house, "so how far do we have to walk?" Louis whined like a child, "quite far baby so stop complaining" Harry chuckled "huhhh are we going to be climbing that cliff we saw on the taxi drive from the airport?" Louis asked getting quite excited, Harry nodded with a smile, with their hands linked they walked through the town.

"Lou stay still" Harry said as they were looking at a patch of flowers they had found on their walk "what,why?" Louis asked slowly looking up. There were so many butterflies, "I have to take a picture" Harry smiled getting his phone out. Louis was crouched by the flowers with all the butterflies above his head there must be at least 20.

Just as Harry was taking a picture a butterfly landed on Louis' nose, he couldn't help but smile, "I'm making this my lock screen" Harry said after taking the picture, the butterfly flew away and Louis carefully stood up to make sure he didn't scare any of the butterflies around his head. "It looks cute" Louis smiled as Harry showed him his new lock screen "its because you're in it" Harry smiled cheesily. "Dork" Louis chuckled playfully hitting Harry's arm as they continued their walk.

There was a car parked by the edge of the town as they approached it Alessia got out "put your stuff in the back" She smiled opening the back door Harry chucked all his stuff in there Louis reluctantly put his stuff in there as well, Harry took off his shirt and told Louis to do the same, Alessia also took off her skirt and top leaving them all in swim suits.

Alessia's girlfriend, Nia was driving the car and once they had put everything in she drove off "so what's actually going on?" Louis asked, "we are walking up the cliff together and then theres a bit where you can jump" Harry explained "cliff jumping!!!!!" Louis cheered, causing the other two to laugh, "right let's get going" Alessia said leading them up the cliff.

"So how long have you and your girlfriend been together?" Louis asked as they were walking, "about 3 years now, she's the love of my life I'm actually planning on proposing to her soon, I'm waiting until our 4 year anniversary which is in 3 months" Lessi explained with a bright smile. "Aww that's so cute, so you got together when you were 15?" Harry asked, "yeh, when did you guys get together?" She asked, "I was 16 and Lou was 17, we got together last year" Harry explained.

"We better be invited to the wedding" Louis added, "of course, as long as we get invited when you two get married" Lessi said, "definitely" Harry replied. "We are having a snow wedding though so be prepared for it being cold" Louis laughed, "ooo that sounds really beautiful, I'm hoping for a beach wedding as long as Nia wants the same" She explained. "That would be so wonderful" Harry said, for the next 10 minutes Harry and Lessi just talked nonstop about how the beach wedding could look.

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