chapter 28

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To celebrate it being chapter 28 theres smut and not just any smut but jealous (jealouis) smut I quite literally died while I wrote it hehehe enjoy. Always its gonna be quite a long chapter.

The plane landed around 9pm Harry hand to wrap a hoodie around his waist to cover the slight wet patch on his crotch, Louis laughed about it when they stood up gaining a full on glare from Harry. "You were the one who wanted to sleep instead of going to the toilet" Louis reminded him just causing the glare to deepen.

"So where are we staying?" Louis asked expecting to go to some hotel, "actually, my nan has a house out there that she stays in during the winter months and she's said I can use it whenever I want so I was thinking we could stay there for the week unless you want to stay in a hotel I can book us somewhere online if that's what you want" Harry said beginning to ramble a bit, "we don't need a hotel, that sounds like a lovely idea" Louis said silencing Harry nervous little speech.

Once they had got all their bags they found a taxi to take them to the house. It was rather small, it was white and the boarders around the windows and doors were a worn down blue colour. Strings of ivy climbed up the walls, flowers appeared in random spots, all different colours. "This place is beautiful" Louis said squeezing Harry's hand slightly.

Harry went to one of the plant pots and found a key that was left there. "That's really not safe" Louis pointed out, "yeah we keep telling her that but she's certain that nothing bad ever happens here and no one knows it's there blah blah blah" Harry rambled, "blah, blah, blah?" Louis chuckled. "Yes Louis, blah blah blah" Harry repeated.

The house was cosy on the inside, it opened into a room that took up pretty much the whole floor, there were wooden beams around the ceiling, everything was comfortable, there was fluffy blankets covering the sofas and the light source was fairy lights all hung across the room.

"I love fairy lights so much, I want them in my room but I couldn't buy any because I was saving for this trip" Harry mumbled out. It really wasn't much to Louis but for Harry it was a lot, £800 on plane tickets, and he had save another £300 for anything that they might go and do in the week. £1100, Harry wouldn't spend that amount on anything, it took him so long to get that amount yet Louis would spend that within an hour.

"How long were you saving?" Louis wondered, he felt bad whenever Harry brought him something but in away it met more to him. Everything that Harry had got from Louis was special to him but it wasn't special special, because if he jokingly asked Louis for an island he would probably get one but the stuff Louis got from Harry meant so much more because he had to save, he had to plan he had to work for it and the fact that he would sacrifice buying something he wanted to get something for Louis instead just made Louis fall even deeper in love.

"I came up with the idea on you birthday last year I started saving after Christmas. Wanted to do it in the summer but I didn't have enough, I only got enough 2 weeks ago and luckily it was our anniversary so I thought it would be a good idea to do it now" Harry said as they took a look at the kitchen, it was rather small but it just felt homely.

"You know you didn't have to do that, you could have planned it and then let me pay for it" Louis said, they continued looked around the house as they talked about it, there was a small bathroom the window looked out into the town. The top floor was all just the bedroom it's only light source being once again some fairy lights. There was a balcony so they walked out there, there wasn't much to see as it was dark now but they could smell the saltiness of the air and hear the waves. "This bit of beach is private, just for this house" Harry said. "So no one else is allowed on this bit?" Louis questioned, Harry shook his head "they are only allowed here if the gate is open and my nan only opens it May till August" Harry explained.

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