chapter 12

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Apologises in advance but this is going to be shorter than usual, I'm very busy.

"Can you please tell me what we are doing?" Harry whined after being in the car for no more than 5 minutes. "Nope, you just have to wait" Louis replied not looking away from the road. Harry sat back in his seat, crossed his arms and pouted. "Will this make you happier?" Louis questioned as he put in his sister's one addition CD. Harry's face immediately lit up and he started singing so loudly as Louis just watched him fondly.

"Okay so I will tell you that today isn't just one thing, we are doing a whole bunch of things" Louis said as he drove into the car park of the shopping centre they went to the last time to buy Harry the lavender hoodie. "Is this the first thing?" Harry questioned looking out the window like an excited little child. "Yep" Louis answered parking the car.

"What are we going to do here?" Harry asked, "shopping" Louis replied. "But Lou I have no money" Harry sighed "I never said you were buying stuff, and before you argue about me paying for you this is my date plan so we do what I say no arguments, you understand me Harold!" Louis said trying to be stern but his smile came through just causing Harry to smile as well, he completely gave in "I understand" he mumbled as they got out the car.

"Let's go in here first" Louis said grabbing Harry's hand and pulling into the closest shop, after that he didn't let go, not that Harry minded. "Oh this would look great" Louis said pulling a blue pair of jeans he then pulled Harry over to the top section. He pulled out a top. "Isn't that way too big for you?" Harry chuckled.

"It's not for me, it's for you" Louis replied Harry was about to sat something but then stopped himself. "Go try them on" Louis said, Harry reluctantly walked into the dressing room and changed into it. He looked in the mirror, he had to admit it looked pretty great:

Harry walked out to show Louis "looks great on you" Louis smiled looking at it. Harry did a small spin while giggling a bit before going back into the dressing room to put his other clothes back on. "I'm definitely buying that for you" Louis said taking the clothes from Harry and putting it in the trolley he had gone and got while he was waiting.

"Lou you don't have to buy stuff for me, you've already brought me two jumpers" Harry said as they continued looking for stuff in the shop. "I want to buy you stuff though, plus you are going to look great in these" Louis said as he chucked a top for himself into the trolley.

"You like that?" Louis asked as he noticed Harry looking at pastel hoodie "yeah" Harry replied, so Louis took it off the shelf and put it in the trolley. "Lou..." Harry started but Louis just cut him off "stop complaining, princess, c'mon let's go pay for this and move on to the next shop" he said leading them towards the check out.

The worker scanned all the stuff and Louis paid for it and then took the two bags in one hand and grabbed Harry's hand with the other as they walked into another shop. "Oh this is such a nice colour it will match the purple and pink flower crown" Harry said excitedly looking at some nail varnish on the stand.

"Nevermind it doesn't matter" Harry said quietly trying to walk away from the nail varnish but Louis kept him there. "What's wrong, I can get it for you if you want" Louis said. Harry just looked down and shook his head. "Harry what happened?" Louis asked.

"The man over there, the look he gave me when said about the nail varnish" Harry whispered, he normally didn't let stuff like this bother him but he had just been feeling really self conscious recently especially after the stuff with Stan.

Louis looked over to where a man was standing staring at them with a look of disgust. Louis walked over to him even though Harry tried to stop him. "Hi" Louis said standing infront of the man crossing his arms. "Your friend there is disgusting you shouldn't be around him" the man said gesturing over to Harry.

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