chapter 16

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Sorry this took longer than usual to get out but I started it and some how like put my back out of place and couldn't move, I still can't really now and its getting late so I'm just going to wait longer.....please forgive me for taking so long 🥺

"So you've been dreaming about a place that just so happens to be here, and you have a feeling that your dad is keeping your sister and friend there?" Zayn questioned after Harry filled, him, Dani and Gigi in on all the stuff that had happened. "Yes, Zayn that's exactly what's gone down, were you not listening?" Louis sassed out.

"I was listening it's all just well not to sound rude or anything but it all sounds a little bit far fetched" Zayn said. "What else would you expect from a Larry fanfic" Niall questioned, all of them looked at Niall with a confused look.

"Larry fanfic???" Danielle questioned, "oops, I've revealed too much, I mustn't say anything else forget what I just said, right let's get on with this weird ass plot" Niall said, while everyone gave him weird looks.

"Rightttt, okay so what's the plan?" Gigi asked. "We can see if we can sneak in" Louis suggested, "hmm yeah because that's definitely going to work, there's no possible way that could go wrong" Liam said rolling his eyes. "Well what's your amazing plan then" Louis turned to Liam waiting for a response.

"We can try and talk to the people outside and see how it goes from there" Liam shrugged "oh yeah that's an amazing idea" Louis said sarcastically. "Tommo, calm it with the sass" Liam said, "If that's how I like to work Liam, that's up to me okay. So if you are going to hold it against me then leave the group" Louis replied.

"Come on let's just go" Harry said getting up, "what do you mean, go where?" Niall asked as they all stood up. "Let's just go to the warehouse, I mean what's the worst that can happen? They kidnap us, oh well multiple people know that we are here so if we didn't come back home in two days then people will come looking for us" Harry shrugged putting his shoes on, no one questioned his plan and just followed.

"See people wouldn't do this in real life we are definitely stuck in a Larry fanfic" Niall mumbled to himself as that walked out the cabin. "So are you just going to talk to them?" Liam asked, "well I feel like some of us should stay hidden and then the others should try and sneak in because I rather not have to see my dad" Harry said as they walked inbetween the trees looking around them just to see if any one was close.

"Right, Gigi, Dani, Niall you guys stay here, get ready to run and to have to call the police is anything bad happens" Liam instructed as they got to the edge of the trees where it stopped and then lead to the warehouse. "Who made you boss?" Louis asked, Liam just glared and Louis who in return stuck his middle finger up.

"Guys stop annoying each other, this is serious. My sister could be in there I haven't seen her in years, Li Michael could be in there and you two were also close so I know that you miss him as well so can we please just take this seriously and stop messing about" Harry said, Liam and Louis immediately felt bad and apologised.

"Right let's go" Louis said as the four of them walked towards the building. Harry and Louis planned to try and get inside while Liam and Zayn would attempt to distract the people who were standing outside. Liam paused causing everyone to immediately stop behind him, "right, theres two people standing there, me and Zayn will act like we are lost walkers who need directions, while they are distracted run in and try to stay quiet" Liam said.

Everyone nodded at the plan. "This is so stupid" Niall said to the girls as they watched from the tree line. "What do you mean?" Danielle questioned. "Well this is all just so random and doesn't fit, it's as if the writer had this whole story about Gemma and Michael being kidnapped but then realised that she needed them back for the next part of the plot so sent the main characters up to a cabin that just happens to be next to a place where Gemma and Michael would possibly be and then just get them to walk in and expect nothing to go wrong, will this just isn't what would happen in real life" Niall ranted.

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