chapter 2

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"How was it with Niall?" Liam asked as Harry walked back into Liam's room to check up on him after getting back. "It was great, he is so lovely" Harry said. "Huhhhh are you replacing me" Liam said acting so hurt. "I could never replace you" Harry said laying down in Liam's bed next to him.

"So how are you feeling?" Harry asked. "I had a massive headache but the aspirin helped a lot, thanks for leaving it out" Liam said. "You want me to make you something to eat?" Harry asked realising Liam probably hadn't had anything to eat yet. "Even if I say no, you'll make something anyway won't you" Liam said.

"You know me so well" Harry smiled. "I love you mate" Liam said. "Hmm love ya to" Harry said giving Liam a hug before getting up and going downstairs to make Liam some of his famous homemade burritos aka the best hangover food on the Earth.

"Ah hangover food, I guess Liam's awake now" karen said walking into the kitchen to see Harry dancing around to the radio as he cooked. "Yeah, I've made extra for you and Geoff if you want some" Harry said getting out plates for the four of them (in this Liam doesn't have a sister, no offense to her she's a queen but yeah she's just not in this well both of them ahah)

"Uh Harry what did we do to deserve you" Karen smiled hugging Harry and the two of them danced round the kitchen together until the food was ready. Geoff and Karen sent to the living room with their food and Harry took his plate and Liam's up to Liam's bedroom.

"Ah yes, I've been looking forward to this since I woke up, your hangover food is the best" Liam said sitting up. He slowly ate it, as much as loved Harry's food he did still feel like throwing up but he knew after he ate he would feel a lot better.

"Thanks Harry" Liam smiled as he finished. "That's okay" Harry said take his and Liam's plates downstairs and washing up. When he walked upstairs Liam was laying in his bed face timing Danielle. "Hey Harry" Danielle said seeing Harry appear at the door.

Liam turned around and waved at Harry. "Hi Danielle" Harry said. "I'm going to leave you two to talk" Harry said turning around and walking to his room.

He went and sat at his desk, he looked over all his notes he took this morning and tried to remember them all. He had a psych test tomorrow morning and he wanted to make sure he was prepared. The brainy little shit could have got a B possibly an A without even trying but he wouldn't be happy unless he got an A* so he vigorously went through his notes.

Liam also had a test tomorrow, his was for bio, he had done absolutely no revision and wasn't planning on doing any. He would mostly likely get a C and he didn't really care, he knew he would revise when the actually exams happened so what was so important about a couple of stupid tests and mocks (haha famous last words of every year 11 and year 13 student in 2020.....I was one of them🤦‍♀️)

After he was satisfied with the amount of work he had down he went and got into bed. He could still hear Liam talking to Danielle, he smiled knowing that Liam was really happy. It was only 9pm but he was up late yesterday because of the party and he wanted to be fully awake for the test tomorrow so he tried to get to sleep.

Surprisingly he managed to slip right into a deep sleep, normally this wouldn't happen as he suffered a lot from insomnia. However just hours into his sleep the worse thing happened.

He relived that one terrible day. The day that messed up his life, the day they took her. He shot up in bed, grasping hold of the sheets as he tried to catch his breath, but it wasn't happening, it felt like no air was getting into his body.

The more breaths he took the less air seemed to be reaching his lungs. At this point he just squeezed his eyes shut practically screaming into his blanket. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him, he couldn't see anything but he knew it was Liam.

Strawberry Shampoo(Larry stylinson AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ