epilogue part two

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Okay so there were so many people who wanted their name in the epilogue so I've tried my best to put you in where I can.

I'm fully crying right now over life so sorry if there's mistakes I can't see much aha

Right last part here we go.

"So this has 7 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms. Theres 4 floors in total, a pool out back and a large garden" the lady said as they walked up to the 4th house this week they had been look at houses with Nia La for a few months now but still hadn't found somewhere. They were a week away from graduating and were really in need of finding a house to move into together.

They walked around the house but like all the other ones they just didn't like it. "I really don't know what you guys want, each house I show you has everything you asked for, what is it that they don't have?" Nia La asked. "They just don't feel homes" Harry said, "hmm okay well I'll have another look for a place and I'll get back to you" she smiled.

"Do you want to go celebrate?" Louis asked, "celebrate what?" Harry replied "jesus christ Harry I just want a drink let's just celebrate being alive still" Louis groaned, "hmm I'm down for that" Harry chuckled, they went to the nearest pub and just ordered drink after drink. Life was stressful but at least they still had each other.

"LouLou come dance with meeee" Harry whined jumping off his chair trying to pull Louis with him. "Harry, I don't want to. I can't dance" Louis mumbled taking another sip of his beer. "Fine if you won't dance with me I'll find someone that will" Harry said crossing his arms over his chest, "fuck you" Louis said before standing up and taking Harry's hand so they could dance together, "you can do that later if you want" Harry whispered.

They danced together till the sun was coming up, grinding against each other as others cheered them on before copying their movements. "We should get going now luv" Louis said, all the dancing had sobered them both up a bit and he could notice Harry getting tired. Harry nodded and took Louis' hand as they went out onto the streets to find a taxi.

They arrived back at their uni apartment, stumbling slightly, having to use each other to keeps themselves stable. "Louieeeeeee" Harry whispered as they stumbled to their bed not even bothering to take their clothes off, "yes baby?" Louis asked pulling Harry into his arms. "Are you proud of me?" He asked intertwining his fingers with Louis'.

"I'm so proud of you baby for so many things. You've done so well in you class my princess is top of the class and I couldn't be happier. Also you are so brave Harry so so so brave and that makes me incredibly proud" Louis whispered into Harry's shoulder. "How am I brave" Harry asked, "because you're no longer afraid to be yourself" Louis replied he kissed Harry's shoulder and closed his eyes both of them fell asleep pretty quickly.

They didn't wake up till mid afternoon they dosed up on aspirin and downed a couple glasses of water. Harry eventually got up and made them both hangover food and they just sat on a sofa under a blanket watching films. It was about five when Louis' phone rang "who is it?" Harry asked as Louis picked up his phone, "Nia La" Louis whispered before answering. He walked at the room leaving Harry to watch the film.

"What did she say?" Harry asked as Louis got back under the blanket with him. "She's got a house she thinks we will like, we are meeting her there at 4 tomorrow" Louis said, "I hope it's good because we only have a week left here and I don't want to stay here longer than we have to" Harry mumbled as their focus went back to the movie.

"Haz I can't believe we've been here for 4 years" Louis said as they were climbing into bed, "it's going to be weird to leave I can't believe we will be working proper jobs and all the responsibilities and shit" Harry chuckled "this year will be our 6 year anniversary as well, feels like time doesn't exist" Louis said, "6 years stuck with you, how am I still alive" Harry gasped dramatically.

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