chapter 19

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Quickly warning this is a very short chapter like really short compared to the previous ones but that's because it's just to put together the next chapters. So yeah sorry about that.

"Hi Gemma it's lovely to finally meet you, we are so happy you are safe now" Karen said as Harry introduced Gemma to Liam's parents when they got back from the trip. "It's lovely to meet you two, thank you so much for taking care of Harry I hope he hasn't been too much of a trouble" Gemma joked.

"He's been absolutely lovely, are you sure you don't want to stay with us because we would be happy to have you with us as well" Geoff said. "That sounds lovely but I really think it's time to get back to mum, I haven't seen her in 5 years and from what Harry has told me she really needs our help" Gemma explained.

"I understand, if you guys ever want to come back here you are welcome, even if it's just for a few days. Harry, please come visit us" Karen said, "of course I'll come visit you guys are family" Harry said with that Karen burst out crying pulling Harry into a hug.

The rest of the night was spent with them all sat in the living room getting to know Gemma and also saying goodbye to Harry, there was a lot of tears coming from everyone. "Well its been lovely to meet you all but I'm rather tired" Gemma said.

"You can go sleep in my bed tonight, me and Li are going to sleep down here together" Harry said, they all said goodnight to Gemma and they were all left in the living room, the four of them like it normally is most nights for the past 3 years.

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking me in. I will always see you guys as part of my family and I truly love you all so much" Harry said. "Oh Harry we love you so much, you're like a second son to us" Karen said.

They decided for one last time to watch a film together like they often did, although most of the time was spent hugging Harry and trying not to cry too much. Once Karen and Geoff went to bed it was just Harry and Liam left together, sat on the floor because why sit on sofas when the floor is there.

"I know you keep saying you will but please come back, please visit, don't forget about me" Liam said after they had sat in silence for a while. "Li, you are my brother I will never forget you and of course I will come visit, I promise" Harry said. Liam just nodded "I have no idea what to say right now, I never thought this day would happen, I never thought you would leave" Liam said.

"Then let's not say anything, how about a final game if fifa, I have to beat you one last time" Harry suggested reaching over and grabbing two controllers and handing one to Liam, "Haz we've been playing this for years and you've never beaten me" Liam laughed. "Yeah but Louis has been teaching me some tricks and now I'm going to absolutely destroy you" Harry replied.

"Oh let's see about that" Liam said as they turned the game on and started it all up. After a very close match Harry won by two goals "YESSSS!!!! I FINALLY DID IT" Harry shouted jumping up to celebrate before quickly covering his mouth, remembering that it was late and everyone else was asleep.

He quickly pulled at his phone and messaged Louis.


Boobear ~ aww baby I'm so proud of you!!!

Harry - thank you for showing me how to do it

Boobear ~ anything just for you to beat Liam :)

Harry - I call you tomorrow yeah?

Boobear ~ of course love

Harry - *luv

Boobear ~ don't make fun of my accent you little shit

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