chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to beatlesfabs thank you for commenting loads it made my day. I love reading comments people leave it makes me really happy and quiet often they are quite funny.

Harry wished he could just go home already, it had been less than five minutes since Louis had left him and the entire college was questioning him like this was so police investigation.

"How much money does he actually have?"

"Have you slept together yet?"

"How much has he brought you?"

"Are you just using him for his money?"

"Have you met his mum?"

"What's his family like?"

"Do you love him?"

"Why does he like you?"

"How long have you been together?"

"Enough questions, you guys should all be in your lessons, now let the guy be" Liam said stepping closer to Harry putting his arm around him and trying to help him get through all the people who were showering him with questions.

"Thanks Li" Harry whispered as Liam walked with him to his psych class so he didn't get too bombarded with everyone asking questions. "It's okay, so I'll meet you at the gate later" Liam said, they hugged and Liam went off to his lesson leaving Harry to face the people in his class.

"So what's it like with Louis, like what is he like?" One girl asked. "It's good, he's so kind and nice to me. He's rather sassy though but I like that" Harry giggled thinking about all the sassy remarks Louis makes all the time.

"Does he buy you a lot of stuff?" Another asked, "um well I guess, but it's all small stuff mainly and I try to get him stuff in return" Harry explained hoping everyone wouldn't start think he was some gold digger or something.

"So like is he actually rich?" He got asked. "Yeah, well I mean his mum is and then him and all his sisters have over a million each so yeah they are like rich rich but Louis wants to make his own money so once he's finished school and starts working he's paying him mum back and only using his own money" Harry explained. Everyone always thought rich people were bad like they would always talk about it around the college so Harry knew they thought the same about Louis so he wanted to make sure they knew what an amazing person he is.

"Awww that's so cute, oh he sounds so great" one of them said. "Have you two like you know had the seggs?" One of them said through giggles causing the other people in the class to also giggle and then look at Harry for the answer. "Um no we haven't, we aren't exactly dating yet umm we are just going the flow and seeing how stuff goes" Harry explained. "That sounds nice" one of the girls said.

"Do you think you can get us all invited to the next party he has?" One of the boys in the class asked. Harry didn't know how to answer that but luckily Mrs Gray walked in to start the lesson, Harry was so relieved. She really got the timing perfect here.

The rest of his lessons pretty much went the same as that, he would be drowned in questions until the teacher would walk in and save him from having to answer anything else. He really didn't like having this attention, like everyone in the college knew him because he was Liam's best friend but everyone would say hi but not much else so having this really wasn't something Harry enjoyed.

At the end of the day (great song) Liam and Harry walked to the gate together. There was a gathering of people there just like this morning, they guessed that it was because Louis had already got here and was with his car again. As they walked through the crowd their theory was confirmed.

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