File: You're Kind of You

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It turned out that Xavier's was about fifteen hours away, which was... Not ideal- for Clint's health, that is.

Of course, Charles did extend an offer to pick Jessica up but retracted it when it clicked in his head that it was Clint and Percy calling. He apologized to Jessica and wished her luck on the drive. He also stressed that she refrained from killing any of the men because, unfortunately, they were part of the Avengers. Separately, through the demigod's mind, Charles reminded Percy that he was always welcome to hideout at the academy so long as he went through the front door and not Logan's window.

Neither Clint nor Jessica looked concerned when Percy randomly blew a raspberry and started muttering in Greek. Jessica had only hung out with them for about two hours and she already knew that it wasn't worth it to question some things. Percy was a category all on his own.

"Do we need to fill up the tank? I'm filling up the tank." Percy said as he slid into the front seat. He jabbed Clint in his side, aiming for the kidneys, when the man tried to claim that he should drive because it was his truck. He ignored the archer when he climbed in the backseat making pitiful noises and just raised an eyebrow at Jessica when she didn't get inside.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Jessica asked, which was only fair.

"Yeah, of course." Percy rolled his eyes. "I just don't like to do it."

She hesitantly got in the front, buckling herself up quickly. "Then why are you driving now?"

The demigod dug through the center console, making a tiny victorious noise when he found a pack of gum. He tossed one behind him at Clint, who made an indignant noise when it hit him in the face, and held one out to Jessica. "I'm bored and Clint's driving bothers me. You're, like, five-"


"-So you can't drive us," Percy continued like she hadn't interrupted him. "I don't sleep much either so I'll be able to last for a fair amount on the road. Just let me know if you want to switch with That," He gestured to Clint, who was cuddling with the box in the back.

Jessica nodded. "Gotcha, sounds good." She pointed to the radio. "Can you change it to a rock station?"

"My powers don't work like that," Percy said ominously. To demonstrate, he poked the radio again only for it to switch to an aggressive Romanian game show.

"This is so fucked up."

The son of Poseidon sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. "Steve would say something about this," Percy muttered, pulling out of the parking lot they stopped in to talk to Charles. "But fuck that." He glanced at Jessica. "I need a favor."


"Do you want to offend Captain America?"

"I'm listening."

He pulled into the main road, easily slotting himself into the traffic with the grace of a man that lived in New York. Washington had nothing on him. "I need you to aggressively say fuck the second you see him."

Jessica perked up. "Will I see him?"

"Maybe." He shrugged, flipping someone off when they honked at him for following the road signs. "Everyone seemed concerned when I mentioned that you were here. They don't trust me with someone under five feet."

"I'm 5'1."

"Even worse."

"Why do you hate me?"

Clint leaned forward between the seats. "He hates everyone." He poked the demigod's cheek, snatching his finger back before it was bitten in half. "Well, except Tony and Bucky."

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