File: Good Luck

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"Stark, we have a problem."

Tony looked up from the gauntlet he was working on when his music volume turned down and raised an eyebrow when he saw Natasha standing nearby, "How'd you get in? JARVIS?"

Tony looked up from the gauntlet he was working on when his music volume turned down and raised an eyebrow when he saw Natasha standing nearby, "How'd you get in? JARVIS?"

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"Apologies, Sir, but I believe you would want to hear what Agent Romanov has to say."

The billionaire put down his tools, turning around fully to the woman, "What's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be on the Hellicarrier?"

"I am," She nodded, stepping closer when it was apparent she wasn't going to get kicked out."But Fury found out that Percy's off-world and he wants to use this chance to detain Loki."

Tony tilted his head, chewing his lip absentmindedly as he thought over what she said, "Why'd they wait until Percy's off-world?"

Natasha stared at him, raising one eyebrow in the classic 'really?' expression.

"Right, right, never mind. Dumb question." Tony turned back to his work, picking up a small screwdriver.

The Black Widow frowned, "You're not going to just let Fury take Loki, are you?"

The Stark twisted the screw driver and the repulser on the gauntlet whined dangerously, "No. I'm not."

Natasha gave a small smile, "Good. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to get Clint and Thor. Tell them to meet me on the rooftop in fifteen. I'll get Loki."

"You're bringing Loki to him?"

Tony smirked dangerously, something he and his boyfriend shared in common, "Exactly." He went with her in the elevator and, when they got to the Common floor, they split up. "Loki?"

The trickster god looked up from the book he was reading, "Yes? Is there something I can help you with?"

"We're leaving to the Hellicarrier in fifteen. Are you going to go like that?" He looked at the sweatpants the god was wearing and the oversized Gryffindor T shirt he must have swiped from Steve. Just like his father. "Or do you want to change?"

Loki carefully marked his page and stood up, stretching, "I will change my clothes. May I ask why we are going to the flying ship?"

Tony hummed happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet, "I just wanted to tell Fury 'no' in person, that's all."

Clint jumped down from the vents next to the billionaire, landing deftly on his feet, "Are you serious?" He sounded happy, eyes wide and mouth stretched into a grin.

"Yup," Tony nodded. "What color tie should I wear?" He held up a dark green tie and a red one.

The archer stared at them for a moment before pointing to the first tie, "The green one. It really brings out the murder in your eyes."

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