File: Jackson-Blofis Residence

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Okay, this is totally pointless (as is everything else). I'm playing the Infinity 2.0 game and I have to say, Iron Man is the best.


The Avengers (with the addition of Halo, he wasn't absolutely ready to transition from Halo to Percy after so long) strolled down the street. Halo was leading the way to his mother's house with a feeling of doom.


Well, maybe it's because he hadn't checked in since after the war. He could be wrong.

"So," Tony started falling into step next to him. "I'm your favorite Avenger?"

Halo was glad that he had put up his hood earlier or the engineer would have definitely seen his blush of embarrassment.

"You weren't supposed to hear that."

"But I did." Tony clasped his hands behind his back and grinned cheekily. "Tell me about your mom."

Halo knew the others were listening but he focused on Tony as he spoke. "Her name is Sally Jackson and she's the best person in the world. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was five, and she was raised by an uncle who didn't care much about her. She wanted to be a novelist, probably working on some book now." He turned to Bruce, "You'll probably like them. Anyways, she saved up money to go to college with a good writing program when he uncle got cancer, and she had go quit school her senior hear to take care of him. After he died, she was left with no money, no family, and no diploma. Then," Percy held back a smirk. "She met my father. They didn't get married, their relationship was a secret. One day, he set sail across the Atlantic on some important journey, and he never came back. 'Lost at sea,' my mom told me, 'Not dead. Lost at sea.' She worked odd jobs, took night classes to get her highschool diploma, and raised me on her own. She never complained or got mad. Right now," He pursed his lips. "She's most likely married to my second step-dad, Paul Blofis. He's cool."

Tony snorted at the ending. His mom got that grand description and his step-dad got a 'He's cool.'

"We're almost there." Halo put his hands in his black coat. He looked around, a habit he picked up from the war, and ducked inside an alley to the back of the apartment building.

"Why are we going this way?" Steve asked as he stepped over a pile of trash.

"It's a habit I guess." Halo shrugged. "I used to bring home trouble so, to protect my mom, I go the back way. You can't be too careful." He sidled up to a metal door and knocked three times.

"Was that from the back door?" A man's voice could be heard.

"I'll get it." A woman said hurriedly. Percy relaxed slightly at the sound of her voice. It would have been awkward standing at the back of the apartment building with the Avengers when his parents didn't even live here anymore.

"Who is it?" She asked with a slightly cautious voice.

Halo cleared throat and spoke in a serious voice (which made this funnier) "All hail the glorious blue cookies."

Something fell inside and Clint covered his mouth to keep from laughing.

The door was wretched open, which was impressive since it was metal, and they were face-to-face with Sally Jackson.


Tony's POV

The door was thrown open and a woman stood in front of us. Her eyes sparkled and changed color in the dim light and her smile was warm. She had a few Gray streaks mixed in with her long brown hair put back in a low pony tail but she didn't look old.

"Oh, Percy!" She hugged Percy tight and her voice cracked with emotion. She leaned back and held him at arms length checking him over. "I can't believe it! I-I thought you.." She seemed to notice us watching because her face flushed. "Come inside! You have a lot of explaining to do, young man."

Clint elbowed my side and smirked as we followed Percy and his mother.

"Paul!" She called out with delight. "Guess who came home?"

A man walked down a hallway holding a folder. He had light brown hair mixed with gray and shimmering brown eyes. "Who is it Sal- PERCY!" His face broke out in a smile. "You had us worried!"

Percy gave a small wave before taking off his coat revealing a black muscle shirt. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Sally rolled her eyes. "You look good." She frowned lightly. "You never wear black."

"It hasn't been a year." He said simply but she seemed to understand with how sadness sweeped into her eyes.

"Who?" She asked softly.

"The seven..Nico..Thalia.." He shook his head. "Too many."

"Oh, Percy." His mother pulled him in a hug and he put his head in the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

I was a little lost but I got one thing. Someone died, more than one, and Percy was still grieving. From the look on my teammates faces, they got that too.

Without saying anything, we made our way to the living room to give the family some space.

After a couple of minutes listening to their soft chatter, Sally telling him to open up more, Percy suddenly yelled out. "OH, GODS! I FORGOT!"

Sally laughed quietly as Percy ran to us.

"Mom, this is my team." He pointed at Steve and went on. "Steve Rodgers or Captain America, Natasha Romanoff also known as Black Widow, Clint Barton or Hawkeye, Bruce Banner or more commonly known as (on the battlefield) the Hulk, Thor," He leaned over to her and whispered, "Norse mythology," Before facing me. "And Tony Stark also known as Iron Man."

She smiled lightly. "Isn't Iron Man-"

"ANYWAYS!" Percy interrupted blushing badly as Clint and I cackled. "Team, this is my mom, Sally Jackson-Blofis and my step-dad, wherever he went, Paul Blofis." He suddenly turned to her. "Cookies."

She smiled and shook her head, "Are you-"


She laughed. "Okay, okay."


Ten minutes later..


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