File: Some Of It Is Slander

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Woot! Here's another chapter that you didn't have to wait too long for! Pats on the back to me!

This chapter is dedicated to the one Miss-Jackson_03! Hope you enjoy this, love! Please don't combust into a million trillion pieces XD

Je t'aime!

--Yuki :D


In hindsight, Clint probably should have called first before he arrived with one of Olympus' lost heroes. Could he even do that? As a legacy of Apollo, Clint figured it was well within his rights to be able to call Chiron to tell him that he was possibly going to barrel down Camp Halfblood's hill in a beat up old pick up truck.

He didn't do any of those things but it probably would have been nice to just call, maybe say hello.

Instead, Clint walked right up to Peleus and petted his mane, "Hey, big guy. Any troubles in the camp?"

The dragon just opened one eye, huffing softly, before going to sleep once more, flicking his tail and wrapping it around his body.

"Alright then." He turned to his best friend, who hadn't moved from next to his truck since they parked five minutes ago, "Perce, you okay?"

"You're a demigod?" The son of Poseidon looked a bit surprised, blinking at the archer.

"Legacy, actually," Clint corrected with a grin. "I would've told you but," He shrugged. "I didn't see the point. I'm really just an archer with good aim."

Percy squinted at him, "...We'll talk about your self confidence later. What made you decide to bring me back to the camp?"

The archer shrugged, "Wasn't my idea. Ask your boyfriend, he's the one that planned all of this."

The swordsman opened his mouth and closed it, "...Remind me to later. Let's- I mean, I guess we should go down to the Big House before they decide we might be threats. Also, I'm pretty sure you didn't call ahead of time."

"It crossed my mind once or twice."


Chiron expected many things from the day but he never expected Perseus Jackson to return to the camp so soon. When he saw who was with him, he knew why Percy was back at all. "Perseus, my boy, you've returned."

The son of Poseidon visibly took a deep breath and offered the centaur a shaky smile, "Yeah... It's- I've been gone a really long time but, yeah... I'm back." He rolled his shoulders, relaxing his stance as he put his hands in his jacket's pockets, "How have things been?"

"Peaceful," Chiron answered. "The camps have both been thriving since," The centaur smiled sadly. "Well, since a few years ago. I heard you are part of the Avengers now."

Percy snorted, covering his mouth when the sound came out, "Don't pretend you don't know. I got your letters, all of them."

The centaur's eyes twinkled, "Yes, I had hoped you would. Is the team treating you well?"

Clint squawked, outraged, "Chiron, I would never treat Percy badly!" He noticed his best friend's seal eyes and pointed at him, "Don't believe anything he says, it's all lies and slander!"

Percy shrugged, "Some of it is slander."

"How long will you be staying at the camp?" Chiron wondered, regaining the two's attention once more.

"Uh," The son of Poseidon looked at Clint. "I didn't pack any bags..."

The centaur watched as the demigod waited patiently as he faced his friend. He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting but he wasn't surprised when Clint simply said, "I raided your room and packed some clothes for probably a week." Chiron has been dealing with the archer up until he became an agent of SHIELD and even a bit after. He knew some things to expect. He was surprised, however, when he found out that Clint was indeed a legacy of Apollo and not a child of Hermes or even related to the god of thieves.

"Cool," Percy gave his friend a dimpled smile, not at all bothered with the fact that the agent broke into his room.

A conch horn sounded and Chiron wheeled himself to the door of the Big House, "I believe it is time for lunch. Shall we go eat?"

"Depends," Clint grinned. "Can I eat at the Pos-"

"No," Percy answered, shouldering past the archer before he could finish his question.


"Are you done yet?"

Campers stopped just outside the dining pavilion when they heard voices already inside. They listened, trying to guess who was inside.

"Done with what?"


Some people went past, not really caring to see who was inside, just focused on getting food. They sat at their respective tables, talking to each other like they didn't just see them while sparring or on the lava wall.

"You're so mean," A guy with brown hair sitting at the Poseidon table laughed, flinging a meatball of his fork with deadly precision, nailing his friend between the eyes.

It took people a minute to realize that Percy Jackson was sitting next to him drinking a blue coke and flipping him off.

"Prissy?!" Clarisse La Rue stood up fast from her table, her hands balled up into fists before she could even think. She looked at the Poseidon's table and was thrown off a bit when she saw that only the brown-haired guy was sitting there.

"Clarisse!" Percy was standing next to her, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, "Hi! Your hair looks nice!"

The daughter of Ares flinched minutely, thrown off by his sudden appearance, "Hi?! Where in Hades have you been?!"

The son of Poseidon shrugged, "Oh, you know, taking down governments here and there... Joining a superhero group... What have you been up to?"


Chiron stepped out for one minute, just one, and the whole dining pavilion dissolved into chaos.

He should have known that Dionysus would do nothing to stop it.

There was a crowd surrounding the Ares table, campers hooting and hollering as they cheered. Golden drachmas exchanged hands as bets were made, demigods grinning widely with glee.

Clarisse and Percy were arm wrestling Chiron realized as he came closer.

He also should have realized that Clint would be the one to referee them instead of being a responsible adult and stopping them.

The centaur sighed and rubbed his forehead, smiling tiredly. It was always good to see his children enjoying themselves.

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