File: Micromanaging

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Foggy sighed deeply as he sat heavily on Matt's couch. His best friend was in the kitchen getting them food despite how the blond knew his ribs were bothering him. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

Matt tilted his head and smiled, "Sure, what're we watching?"

"I don't know, Legally Blonde?" Foggy grinned, shrugging. "I just shrugged."

"Come on, Foggy, we watched tha-" He froze when there was a knock at the door.

Foggy turned to his best friend, "Uh, were you expecting someone?"

Matt shook his head, "No but..." He cleared his throat, "Halo's at the door."

The blonde nearly choked on his drink, "What?! Matt, why is there an Avenger at your door?"

"I-" He shrugged, "We talked a bit. He keeps me informed of what the Avengers are doing so I don't have to worry about 'team meetings.'" He actually did air quotes.

"But you're not part of the team," Foggy said.

Matt threw his hands in the air, "That's what I said! But apparently Steve won't let up and he insists I'm part of the Avengers."

"Hm, okay," Foggy held up a finger, narrating the movement as well even if it wasn't needed. "So- and no offense- they let you be an Avenger but not Spider-Man?"

Matt shrugged, "Spider-Man is younger than he looks."

The blonde nodded, "Okay, fair." The knock came again and he turned to his friend, "Want me to answer?"

The brown-haired man was hesitant for a moment before he nodded, "It's safe. Despite what Hawkeye might tell you, Halo is one of the least likely of the Avengers to attack you. Bruce is the least likely."

"Huh, okay," Foggy opened the door and was greeted with a man in all black with a mask covering the lower half of his face.

Halo waved at him, "Hi, you must be Foggy." He held a hand out to shake and practically beamed when Foggy took it. "Can I speak to Matt?"

Foggy looked over at his best friend and let Halo in when he nodded. "Sure, he's in the kitchen." He went to Matt and glared at his friend, though he knew it was lost on him, and hissed, "Why does Halo know you're Daredevil?"

Matt's eyes were wide under his glasses and he shrugged, "I don't know, it just happened! He just showed up at my apartment and asked for a sandwich."

"An Avenger... Broke into your house... Because they were hungry? Did I get that right?"

"Matt makes good sandwiches," Halo said, standing at the entrance of the kitchen. He didn't make a move to come any closer, something Foggy appreciated.

The blonde thought he'd combust being this close to an Avenger. He always watched the news, and he could admit that he was a fan of Captain America, but he never thought he'd actually meet an Avenger. "So, you wanted to speak with Matt, right? Should I leave?"

"Oh!" Halo shook his head, "No, you don't have to leave. You can learn these too," He took out two pieces of paper, one in Braille and another in print, and placed them on Matt's small dining table.

Foggy walked closer and took one of the papers, "Sign language?"

The green-eyed man was silent for a moment, studying the blonde, "Look, I'm trusting you, okay? Don't make me regret it. These are signs that will be used during Avengers missions. I thought I'd come over to show you before Cap decides to visit."

"Thanks," Matt grabbed his page and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. It seemed that someone, probably Halo since he was the only one to know he was blind, carefully pressed down on the page to draw the signs for him. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem," Halo seemed to grin. "I figured you'd want Foggy helping you with this instead of one of us. Oh," He tilted his head. "I told Clint that he could whisper to tell you things in case you don't use the signs. I just told him you have really good hearing, not that you were blind."

Foggy smiled at the Avenger, "Cool. We appreciate it, man. Thanks for bringing these."

"No problem," Halo gave them a two finger salute and seemed to disappear into thin air to both Foggy's eyes and Matt's senses.

"That's so cool," The blonde breathed when the hero was gone. "I can't believe I met an Avenger..."

Matt grinned and patted his best friend on the shoulder, "Hey, maybe next time you'll meet Steve."

"Don't tease me," Foggy laughed, pushing his friend lightly. "Alright, let's learn these signs. The first one's easy, it means ally."

"I got the signs to Daredevil," Percy said during a team meeting a few days later. He waited until then so no one would connect Matt and Daredevil together.

"You actually talked to him?" Clint leaned forward, interested. "Usually when we try he just disappears."

The demigod rolled his eyes, "That's because you, Tash, and Cap follow him."

"True," Tony gestured at said heroes with his burrito. "I only tried once. Didn't bother trying again when he said no."

"He'd be a good asset to the team," Steve frowned, reaching for his fourth burrito.

Percy leaned over and patted the super soldier's arm, "We don't always get what we want, Steven. Daredevil's perfectly content with micromanaging Hell's Kitchen."

"While that's nice," Natasha spoke up from her spot next to Clint. "Can we get back to the movie? I want to see how it ends."

"Right," Steve grabbed the remote and pressed play even though JARVIS could have done it for him. It was part of him getting used to technology.

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