File: Safe and Sound (Unless you count the man in the eye patch, cause I don't)

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Tony sat wringing his hands as he waited in the S.H.I.E.L.D hospital wing. Percy had been in there for to five hours already and he was still in critcial.

"We're running out of O negative blood. He could die without it!" A S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Walter, shouted. He was Halo's (Percy's) personal doctor.

Tony bit his lip before standing up. "I have O negative."

The doctors stared at him in shock. Tony Stark, the man who hates hospitals and needles with a passion, just offered to give blood. "Alright, come inside." Walter took the billionaire to a separate room and prepped a needle. "Are you sure about this?"

Tony gave him a determined look. "Do it, Doc." He closed his eyes as the needle was injected and sighed in relief when he took it out. "How is he?"

The doctor bit his lip. "The surgery should be fine but he may be in a coma." He looked at Tony's crestfallen face. "But don't worry, it shouldn't last long."



Finally, after another hour, the surgery was finished and Percy was moved to another room to rest. He was in a coma, like the doctor said, and it was unclear when he would awaken.

Tony rubbed his face as he took a sip of his coffee walking towards Percy's room.

There was commotion going on down the hall near where he was heading and he picked up the pace. "What's going on?"

Fury was standing with S.H.I.E.L.D agents around Percy's room. "Halo escaped. He's somewhere in the helicarrier."

"He's awake?" Tony perked up like a puppy and he looked visibly happier than he's been since before Percy was in surgery.

Fury studied him with his good eye. "Yes... I have a theory... Go into the Avengers meeting room. I am pretty sure he'll come looking for you."

"You got it!"


Tony sat in the chair he always did during Avenger meetings. He tapped the arms of his chair with his fingers as he looked around.

"Psst, Tony."

Tony started and looked up to see Percy staring down at him from the vents. His eyes were back to his bright green and his skin was getting back it's color.

"He's here." Tony whispered.

"Whoa!" Suddenly, Percy toppled out of the vent, Clint following behind him landing on his feet. S.H.I.E.L.D agents swarmed the room aiming guns at Percy who stood with his hands up studying everyone.

"Now, guys.." Percy spoke in a calm tone. "What could I have done to warrant this?"

"You need to go back to your hospital room." Fury ordered with his arms behind his back.

"Yeah, no." Percy did a back flip over an agent chopping him on the back of the neck. He kicked a gun out of another's and punched his stomach before focusing on another. He studied him with his eery green eyes before shooting forward hitting pressure points causing the man's arms to go numb. He dodged gun shots, ducking and weaving as if he didn't have as spine.

"Stop this, Halo!" Fury shouted as he watched his highly trained agents fall under his agent.

"Never!" Percy dodged a punch from Clint and they engaged in close combat so fast the others had trouble keeping up. Percy simply moved his left foot forward behind Clint's right before punching forward having him take a step back to dodge and trip.

"Percy!" Tony shouted over the noise and the demigod looked over. "Go back to your room!"

Suddenly, all fighting stopped. Percy dropped Clint from where he was holding him by his shirt and his shoulders slumped. "Fine." He strode silently out of the room.

The agents looked at the genius in awe. "H-how?"

Tony smirked. "It must be my awesomeness." He followed Percy who was waiting for him in the hallway.

Percy sat on his bed and let the nurse check him.

"Amazing." She breathed. "He's almost fully healed!"

"Of course." Percy grabbed a glass of water sitting on the side table and poured some on a cut on his hand. The people on the room watched as the wound closed up and disappeared like it wasn't there. "Anyways," He turned to Tony. "See? Safe and sound. Unless, you count the man in the eye patch, cause I don't."

Tony laughed brightly. "Safe and sound." He repeated. "And just so you know, I hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D in less than ten minutes."

"Bravo. I would give you a cookie but I ate them all at my mom's house." Percy clapped and grinned when Tony pouted. "Am I free to go?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jackson. You must stay for a couple of tests before you are released." The nurse answered prepping a needle.

Percy looked up at the vent opening as if contemplating jumping back in.

"Don't even think about it." Tony growled. "I'm gave you some of my blood because they were out so the least you could do is take these stupid tests."

"Eep." Percy nodded and faced the nurse. "Hit me."

She giggled. "We just need to take some blood and do some physical tests. Although, you can take the physical tests with your team since it's their fitness exam."

"Is that today?" Tony asked and smirked when the nurse stabbed Percy with the needle when he was distracted.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. Director Fury is waiting with your team in the fitness room at the moment. Please, don't keep him waiting." She simply poured water on Percy's arm. "Saves bandages." She shrugged at their looks.

"Welp!" Percy hopped to his feet. "Thanks, Lois." He grabbed Tony's arm and dragged him out and towards the room waving at the nurse. "Man, I really hate the exams."

Tony looked at Percy's torso as they walked. There were no signs of bandages or pain coming from the agent. "Safe and sound." He whispered. "Safe and sound."

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