File: "That's Your 'Captain Dad' Look!"

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This chapter is dedicated to the person listed at the top or whatever. I saw your comment today and I was like: "Yes, that is who I am choosing today. You will be the chosen one."

I don't know what's up with me. I didn't even have coffee.


--Team Free Will


"Annabeth... Annabeth was an amazing girl with eyes that challenged everything you do and lips that spoke soft words of war."


Percy laid on his bed, staring at the white ceiling he didn't have the heart to change the color of. In the beginning, as strange as this may sound to the readers and to himself, the ceiling was something that brought him peace. Because, despite everything the Avengers and himself went through, the white was something that never changed.

"Percy?" Steve gently knocked on his door, opening it to reveal himself with a wheelchair, "It's time for breakfast."

"I'm not hungry," The demigod whispered, pulling his blanket up to cover his face. He didn't want to deal with anyone- let alone Steve. Don't get him wrong, the guy was his childhood hero but his puppy-dog eyes were almost as bad as Thor's. "Go away."

"Come on, Perce, you skipped dinner last night. You can't keep doing this."

"I can and I will. Watch me."

"What about Tony?"

Percy tensed under the blanket and was silent for a moment before pulling it down with a sigh. He looked over at Steve with broken eyes, the color in them a dull forest-green, "I don't want to go down there, Cap... Please don't make me go down there..."

Steve folded closed the door softly before folding up the wheelchair and leaning it against the wall. He walked over and sat on the edge of the demigod's bed, "Is this about what Killian was talking about?"

"You're going to have to be more specific than that, O' Captain My Captain," Percy smirked though it was forced and it was obvious to both of them that he knew what the super soldier was talking about. "Killa-dork tends to run his mouth."

The blonde sighed, looking away before glancing back at the nineteen year-old, "Percy-"

"Okay, okay!" The demigod covered his face with his hands, turning his head from the man, "Don't give me that look! That's your 'Captain Dad' look!"

Steve looked confused for a moment but didn't comment, seeing as the other was going to cooperate.

Percy removed his hands with a sigh, looking at the Captain, "Her name was Annabeth Chase. Annabeth... Annabeth was an amazing girl with eyes that challenged everything you do and lips that spoke soft words of war," He pushed himself up into a sitting position, batting away Steve when he tried to help. He gazed out his window at the rising sun, "She was my girlfriend and I called her Wise Girl. She was a daughter of Athena- possibly the smartest of them all- and I lost her in war..."

"Losing someone isn't easy," Steve said slowly, clenching his hands together in his lap. "Losing the love of your life is even harder to deal with."

"You know, Cap," Percy looked at the man, something light in his eyes. "I used to think, once upon a time, that Annabeth was the love of my life. After meeting Tony, I'm not so sure anymore."

Steve felt a smile tug on his lips and patted the demigod's shoulder, "Well, Tony's waiting for you downstairs. He actually came up from his lab just to eat with you."

"Well, alright then, Steve-o. Bring that there contraption you call a wheelchair and let's go!" Percy flailed his arms and the blonde got up to get said wheelchair. The demigod took one last look out the window and tensed, eyes going wide.

Because it just looked like a black winged horse flew by the Avengers Tower.


"Please tell me someone left me some bacon..."

"Percy!" Tony looked at the door happily from where he was trying to hold up a plate of eggs and bacon away from Clint despite being shorter than him. He twisted away when the archer lunged at him, smirking when he ran into the counter, and jogged towards his boyfriend, "Here, I saved these for you."

Percy rolled his chair forward, grabbing the plate and placing it in his lap, "Thanks, Love."

"Yeah, whatever," Tony waved him off, turning away so the demigod didn't see his face.

Clint came over and rolled the nineteen year-old over to the table next to Tony, earning herself a small smile from the man, "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm perfect! I feel so amazing today! I could just get up and go on a fucking run."

"I don't think I appreciate your sarcasm."

"If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question." Percy went to reach for his plate when he heard a noise he thought he had forgotten: Ding! He looked down and saw the bell sitting innocently around his neck, hooked to an iron collar, "Gods dammit!"


"Brucie!" Percy rolled over faster than what should have been humanly possible, nearly crashing into the doctor, and gave him a bright smile, "Hi!"

"Hello, Percy," Bruce smiled, quickly getting over his shock. "How do you feel?"

"Kind of sore," The demigod answered honestly, seeing as it was Bruce asking and not Bird Poop. "My knee hurts a hella lot when I move it but, other than that, I'm fine."

"That's good," The doctor nodded, pressing the up button on the elevator. "If you start feeling worse, let me know."

"Will do, Doc. Will do."


"Do I have to stay in this thing?" Percy whined, moving his wheelchair back and forth rapidly.

"Unless you want to cry on the floor because of your broken knee," Tony responded, not looking up from the Iron Man armor he was upgrading. "Yes."

"Boo," Percy pouted and started moving in circles making train noises.

"Oh, my gods, Perce." Tony gave his boyfriend an exasperated look before his eyes lit up at the sight of the chair.

The demigod moved back slowly, eyes widening, "Tony... What are you thinking?"

"I have an idea."

"Is this idea going to cause me lots of embarrassment and possibly pain?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely."

"Let's do it."

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