File: Secret Family

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"How did you..." Sally looked around her kitchen, eyes wide. Batter lined the counters, eggs all over the floor, and she was pretty sure that was a pancake on the ceiling.

Tony looked sheepish, covered head to toe in flour, "I'll admit, I did not expect this to happen."

"You weren't kidding when you said you couldn't cook. Who makes breakfast at the tower?"

"Usually Steve or Bruce," The engineer shrugged. "Sometimes Clint when he feels like it."

"You know, Percy knows how to make lunch. I gave him a copy of all my recipes," Sally smiled.

Tony gaped, "He's been holding back on me!"


Clint watched as Percy served an omelet on a plate and slid it across the table, "How come you don't make breakfast for us?"

The demigod snorted, "You think I'm going to cook for your ass everyday? Eat your damn food, Barton."

Hawkeye picked up his fork and took a bite of the omelet, melting at this taste, "Man, this tastes like Laura's breakfast..."

"Laura," Percy tilted his head at him. "Is she part of the secret family you think I don't know about?"

Clint choked on his food and died.


"Well," Sally took a look around the kitchen. "Let's get this cleaned up and then we're going grocery shopping. We'll make some dishes for lunch and Paul can test them."

Paul Blofis peeked in from the doorway, "I'm doing what now?"

"It's settled," The woman picked up a dish rag, wetting it and working on cleaning the counter.

Tony copied her and started on the other surfaces, "I'll pay for groceries since I, uh, broke all the eggs."

"That would be nice, dear."

Paul looked at the two, "No, really, do I have to eat the food?"


Clint looked up at his best friend, "How- What-"

Percy looked at the stove in mock surprise, "Oh, would you look at the time! I have to meet a friend now. We're getting burgers." He scampered off before archer could get another word out.

"No, dammit, Jackson! Get back here!" Hawkeye practically fell off the table, chasing after the SHIELD agent, who practically disappeared, "How the hell do you know about that?!"

"Tata, Barton!" Percy proceeded to jump out the window in the living room, easily being caught by Blackjack, "See you never!"


Tony and Sally were walking through the grocery store, looking at all the items. The woman looked at the billionaire, "Are you allergic to anything, Tony?"

"Uh, no, not that I'm aware of," The Stark answered. "Do you think we have everything we need?"

"Yes, I just need to grab some milk. We're running low."

When the two got back to the apartment, Tony helped Sally carry some groceries while Paul came down to grab the rest. After they were put away, the mother proceeded to take out a cookbook, opening it to one of the pages marked with a sticky note. "All of these are Percy's favorites," She explained. "I'm going to teach you how to make some. Go ahead and pick a couple."

"'Kay," The genius looked at the book before pointing at a sticky note that looked a bit worn out. "That one. What is it?"

"Lasagna," She smiled. "He would help me make it whenever I could get the ingredients."

Something about the way she worded that caught Tony's attention but he said nothing, just tilting his head. "Let's make that. I'm craving lasagna, too."

"Alright, I'll grab the ground beef. Can you grab the noodles and pan?"

"Yup," He did as told, placing the pan next to the oven on the counter. "How long will this take to get done?"

"Preparing it? Maybe ten minutes, probably fifteen. Cooking it? Thirty- thirty five minutes but the outcome is amazing."

"Cool," Tony grinned at the pan, like he could see the food. "I've never had homemade lasagna. I'm excited."


To be honest, Peter wasn't expecting to ever see Percy again. He most definitely wasn't expecting to see him laying on his bed, using his web shooter to hit the ceiling. The demigod looked bored, like he was there for a while, and he all but fell off the bed when the door opened.

"Oh, hey, Pete! Wassup?"

"Uh, I figured you could tell me that," The brunette said. "What're you doing here?"

"We're getting burgers, remember? Come on, I'm starving!" He spun the kid around by his shoulders, pushing him out the door, "Bye, Aunt May! He'll be back no later than six thirty!"

"Alright, you two have fun! Be safe! Keep me updated if you go anywhere else!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Percy grinned, waving.

Peter had to wonder how long the demigod was in his home for him to be able to call May Aunt May.

"Come on, Pete," There wasn't a car near them so they were apparently walking to the burger joint. "Let's go get Ned."

"Ned? Why?"

"Why not? He's your best friend. Plus, he's your Guy In the Chair."

Peter beamed at the hero, "Okay!" He stopped walking, "Wait, how'd you know he's my Guy In the Chair?"

"Uh," Percy looked around. "Oh, look, an elephant! Imma go that way! Keep up, Pete!"


"Oh, wow," Sally's eyes widened as she took a bite of lasagna. "This turned out really good. Paul, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Paul looked up, mouth full with food. He gave a thumbs up, focusing back on his plate.

Tony grinned widely, cheeks coloring slightly. Looks like being a scientist helped with cooking. Maybe he should think about that when he tries to cook again. It seemed to work.

"I think it's time for bed," Sally smiled after she finished eating. It was already ten o'clock. "You can use Percy's old room. Tomorrow I think I'll show you the Montauk beach house."

"Okay," The billionaire put his dishes in the sink, rinsing them. He'd do them in the morning before Sally could as a thank you. He made his way to his room, looking around. It was so Percy that Tony found himself missing his boyfriend even more. The bedsheets were blue and there were little seashells around the place. He even saw a Finding Nemo plushie on a chair in the corner.

He grabbed the plushie before climbing into bed. There was the faint scent of the sea on the stuffed animal and Tony fell asleep knowing that he was working to make the best date for his boyfriend ever.

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