File: Son

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Merry Christmas!!! Always remember to be kind and caring and, if there's a picture up there of a person, that's me and I did not mean to put that picture up there but oh well. Anyways, enjoy and tell me what you thought!!

— Yuki 🌈


"Why do I have to go again?" Tony whined as he let Percy adjust his tie.

"Because you're a nice person," His boyfriend answered, now fixing the collar of his button-up shirt.

"Being a nice person is so much work."

"I know, Tones, but remember that we're doing this for Peter and no one will expect Tony Stark to be there. Aunt May can't go so we're going to be his family. College Scouts are going to be there and we need to look nice so we don't embarrass Peter."

"Is that why we're not bringing the others?"

"Do you really want to bring Thor to a high school science fair?"


"Thank you. Now, put on your shoes while I go get my jacket. I think I left it in the living room."

"I have it," Pepper Potts stood at the door, smiling kindly at Percy. "It's great to finally meet you."

"Ms. Potts," The son of Poseidon grinned at her. "How are you?"

"Please, call me Pepper. I'm fine, how are you?" She held up the jacket so he could put his arms through it.

"I'm really excited to go to Peter's science fair."

"That's good," She nodded as she grabbed the tie from him that he planned on wearing. "Peter needs someone like you and Tony with him."

Tony blinked at the scene, "What...?" He shook his head and grinned widely, "Pepper! Are you going to stay for dinner tonight?"

"I can't, I have a business trip to Tokyo today and my flight leaves at five. I'll be back in three days."

"That's alright," Percy smiled, squeezing her forearm for a moment in thanks for helping him with his tie. "Maybe another time when you come back."

"Sounds like a plan," Pepper nodded. She gave Tony a small kiss on the cheek and Percy one on the forehead before leaving the room.

The two men blinked after her, "Wow."

"Okay, yeah, I can see why you dated her," Percy laughed, looping his arm with his boyfriend's after slipping on his shoes. "Glad you chose me."

Tony smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him, "I love you."

The demigod smiled against his lips, "I love you, too."

Peter smiled widely as he stood next to his project despite his inner turmoil. Aunt May called, saying she couldn't come to his science fair and that she was very sorry. He understood, he really did. She had to pick up someone's shift at work and she wouldn't be back until the morning. He just wished people wouldn't laugh at him when they saw that no one was there for him.

This was one of the bigger science fairs, one where there would be many college scouts there to pick up potential students and so the kids had to dress nicely, as did the parents. Peter kept tugging stiffly at his tie. Did he look good? It was one of Uncle Ben's old suits from when he was younger that Aunt May let him use. He tried not to let that thought bother him too much. He missed his uncle with everything he had.

"Hey, Pete," Ned, his best friend, came up to his table, escaping from his own project for a bit. He looked kind of awkward in his suit but it was a bit endearing to folks. "Where's your aunt?"

"She couldn't make it today," Peter smiled stiffly, hoping he didn't notice.

"Aw, man, I'm sorry. Did you invite Halo and," He leaned in close to whisper. "Did you invite Tony Stark?"

"Nah," The teen shook his head. "They probably wouldn't be able to come anyways."

"Probably," Ned nodded. "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

"Well, it's a little too late for that now."

"I guess. Hey, what's going on over there?" Ned pointed to where people were flocking by the entrance.

The two teens looked at each other before walking over to the crowd. "Excuse me," A familiar voice said that had Ned looking at Peter with wide eyes. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my son."

A few moments later, the crowd seemed to part a bit to let Tony Stark and Percy Jackson through, both wearing nice button-ups with dark jackets. They scanned the area before their eyes landed on Peter and they made their way towards him.

"I thought you said they weren't coming!" Ned hissed, eyes wide with wonder.

"Well, I thought they weren't! Shh! Shh! They're here! H-Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter said awkwardly and his face lit up in embarrassment.

The billionaire just smiled from behind his blue-tinted glasses, "Hey, Pete."

"Hi, Peter!" Percy smiled widely at the teen and Peter knew that he told Tony about today.

"You called me your son," Peter said in awe as he looked at Tony.

The Stark almost seemed to flush in embarrassment, "Yeah, Well, I-I had to get through the crowd." From behind him, Percy rolled his eyes.

"Well," The son of Poseidon grinned. "How 'bout you show Tony your project while I look at Ned's. Come on, Ned," He looped his arm with the kid's leading him away from the two brunettes. Ned mouthed at Peter as he was taken away, "Oh, my God, what?"

Peter laughed at his friend's excitement before he turned back to the billionaire, "W-Well, Mr. Stark, my project's over here."

"Kid, I told you to call me Tony," He said as he allowed himself to be led by the teen.

"Right, sorry, Mr. Stark."

Tony laughed loudly at that, clapping the kid on the shoulder.

Peter won first place- no surprise there -and Ned was a close second. Percy and Tony were probably the ones that clapped the loudest out of all the parents that came to the science fair.

Peter grinned widely from on top of the stage as he held his award, his eyes easily finding Percy and Tony cheering at the front. Once all the pictures were taken, he made his way to them, "Oh, my God, I won! I won!"

"Good job!" Percy grinned widely, high-fiving him, "Wanna see if Ned wants to go out for pizza with us to celebrate?"

Peter's eyes widened. They were going to celebrate? "Yeah! I'll go find him!"

"See?" The son of Poseidon nudged Tony's shoulder, "This wasn't so bad, right?"

"Yeah," Tony was still smiling proudly. "It was okay."


Again, Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone has had a nice time with their families, friends, or by themselves. You all mean so much to me and so here's my present to you.

I love you all!

— Yuki 🎄 🌈

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